Chapter 56

1667 Words

Fiona’s POV. “Nino?” I murmur in confusion and then I step back when the grey eyes staring down at me crinkle in amusement and I realize that it’s actually him. I can feel goosebumps rise on my arms due to his nearness and his overwhelming scent wrapping itself around me. It’s been a long time since I actually interacted with him, even though his brothers had supposedly turned a new leaf and suddenly decided that they wanted to treat me better, he hadn’t, rather I’d seen him ghost down the hallway, shooting me long, sideways glares but otherwise ignoring me. Not that I minded of course, out of the three of them, Nino had f****d with me the most, hell would freeze over first before I ever forgave him, and yet my entire body was tightening with something akin to need as I watched him step

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