|42| Take You There

338 Words

"Did you even ask me for anything?" He was, inevitably, in a great mood. Even Feran was astounded to find a Master like him today, enjoying the meals, telling him he did a good job guarding the gate and promoting him 100 more dollars. The household was in such a good mood, except for me. My mindset came roaming around the mistake I had made, like a fool, without even stopping. From the beginning to the end. Not a fact crossing my mind. "How hard is it, to understand huh?" I winced. "Is the feeling still holding you?" It's when I felt an arm tug at my shirt from behind. My head hung, "You fine?" He had never asked me that before. I broke down. "Hey, hey!" He back hugged me softly and held my body with nurture. "Travis, where is the sala-Oh, sorry!!", Frankie's interruption go

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