Last Hope

1655 Words
Gina escaped from there without even looking back. She was now out of breathe. After that she sat inside her car and started to drive. She was still shivering and she was still thinking about of all the fiasco that just happened. She reached her house and got out of the car. She started to search for her farther. She thought may he could help her out and that he will stand with her. After some good moments she at last found her father. He was still in some meeting, she without thinking entered the room and her father looked at her direction with anger in his eyes. He stood up from his seat and started to move to her direction. He grabbed her arms tight and looked at her very furiously and said in a harsh tone, “ Just what the hell you are doing here. Can’t you see that I am in a meeting. ” Gina whimpered in pain. She in a pleaded tone said to her father, “ Father it’s really important. You know that if it was not important, I wouldn’t have disturbed your meeting. Please father listen to me first. ” “ Alright let’s go to the main hall and tell me about your important matter but believe me if I don’t find your reason important then be ready for your punishment.” Said her father with an irritated expression. He excused himself from the meeting and started to move towards the main hall with his daughter. After they reached the hall, her father asked her in an annoyed voice, “ Tell me just what kind of trouble you have created for me. ” Gina looked at her father with hopeful eyes and told him, “ Father, that Asher now wants to marry me. Please father, I don’t want to marry him. You can give me any kind of punishment, I’ll accept it happily but just not this marriage. Only you can stop this marriage. Please father, I beg you. You know that I haven’t asked you for anything, before this. Just this once, just help me this time. ” Her eyes got watery and her tears started to blur her vision. She begged her father while joining her both hands in front of him. Just after this her father’s phone started to ring. He picked up the call after seeing the caller. After listening to the call. He watched his phone and started to move to Gina’s direction. He was now standing in front of her. He smiled at her coldly and just after that he slapped her hard, across her face. Her head got injured by the table. As after getting slapped, her head got banged by the table's corner. Her head was now bleeding, she looked at her father with disbelief. She knew that her father don’t love both of the sisters, but he never tried to harm them before.  “ What you have told me? That you don’t know about your sister’s whereabouts. Then how the hell I saw in this video that you helped your sister to elope with her sister. You know I just received the call of Asher and he told all about this. May be if he didn’t sent me the video, as an evidence. Then I wouldn’t have believed him. Now after all this, don’t expect any kind of help from me. You can only blame yourself for all of this. ” Said her father with a blank expression on his face . Gina lost all the colour from her face, as her last hope was also shattered by that devil. “ Father you don’t know that he is not a good person. He can’t love anyone. How can you expect me to marry him. No, father he is a cold hearted man. He is not a nice man. How can you give my hands to such a disgusting man. I know that you don’t love me father but how can you do this with your own daughter. ” Gina replied to her father with a resolute in her voice and with fire in her eyes. It’s the first time that she ever talked in this way to her father. Her father only looked at her emotionlessly and said in a low tone, “ If you wanted to blame someone than blame your own stars. As for love, you know in our culture, most of the marriages are arranged and the love that you are talking about, that can happen even after the marriages. As for what kind of man he is? I think no one can be as perfect as him. He has achieved so much in such a short time and with his own capabilities. I, so much wanted a son like him but look what I got, two daughters that only knows how to embarrass and shame me but no worries, as from tomorrow I will have a son in law like, Asher. I am so happy today. Remember one thing, if you try to attempt something again, than don’t blame me to be heartless.” After that they heard some footsteps coming from the main door and after that they looked at the men. Who was in black clothes they were the minions of Asher. After that they saw that In theirs hands their were bags and some boxes.  Samrat asked the man, “ What’s all this? ” One of the man replied immediately, “Sir, Boss have send some wedding clothes and jewellery boxes for, miss Gina. ” Samrat was impressed by his future son in law and accepted all the things. The man told him that he is planning for having both culture of wedding. On which Samrat gave his consent. Gina was still in shock and daze that just why is this happing with her. She never wanted a marriage with out love and even if she have to marry someone without love, she don’t want to consider Asher even as the last option. After that her father asked her to go to her room. As tomorrow is her wedding and the beauticians will also arrive early tomorrow, to make her a beautiful bride. Gina went straight to her room and rushed towards her bed and started to cry while placing her head on the pillow. She still can’t believe that tomorrow is her wedding with that lecherous man. She was complaining to God that she never hurt someone before and never thought any kind of bad things for someone. So why is she going through all of this. She don’t want to marry that disgusting man, who thinks that he can have any woman if he wants. Even if he looks damn sexy and handsome or even some kind of Greek God. She just don’t want to marry him. She cried all night while cursing her fate.  The next morning at Gina's Mansion Gina didn’t sleep even one bit, last night. Her eyes became red due to crying all night. She also have got some dark circles around her eyes. The beauticians entered her room and looked at her state. They all tried their hard to make her look the most stunning bride. They first helped her in her bath and massaged her whole body. After that they started to prepare her hairs and tried to make them even more shiny and beautiful. They started her facial and after all of that they started her makeup. When Gina saw herself in the mirror. She was having no emotion on her face. It was like, she was now some kind of a walking dead person. The beauticians were happy that they have made her the most stunning bride. After that all other three beauticians left her room. Now there was only one beautician and Gina left in the room. The beautician started to apply mehndi on her hands. After that the beautician asked her in a low voice, “ Why are you so sad on your wedding day? I saw your groom in the photo, he is such a charming and handsome man. You should be the most happiest girl in the world but why are you sulking ? ” “ I don’t want to marry him. Can you please help me to escape. He is such a dangerous man. If you want I can give you all my jewellery and also the money, just please help me out. You are my last hope.” pleaded Gina in a low voice, so that no one can hear her. “All right, I’ll help you out. If you’ll give me all the jewellery and the money you promised me then I’ll help you to escape. ” Said the beautician while grinning greedily. Gina accepted her demands and gave her all the money and jewellery that she promised her. The beautician then told her the idea that she can go out with all other three beautician and take the place of her as the, fourth one and that she can cover her face with the scarf that she have and that no one will doubt her. Gina hold her hands and hugged her tightly and thanked her. After that she did exactly what was told to her and she got out of her mansion without anyone’s notice. On the other hand the beautician was smiling evilly and after that she started to get ready and started to do her makeup and she then wore the traditional wedding lehanga (gown) and jewellery and looked at her in the mirror. She mumbled in a low voice, ‘ What a stupid girl she is. She rejected such a handsome and rich husband but I won’t miss this kind of opportunity for having such a husband. She is not that beautiful. I am more worthy to become a wife of such man. ’ She looked at the mirror and started to smile at her appearance. After that she covers her face with the veil and then started to move towards the aisle.
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