
Wild Adventures with Mr. Morris

age gap

** Completed **

** mature content **

Yeva Jones was a good student. And she was ready to find love. But her world makes a flip-flop when Yeva meets her new professor Harvey Morris.

No matter how hard she tried to resist, she finds herself attracted to her handsome teacher, Harvey. However, things get complicated when Yeva gets caught in a spiral of emotions that leads to wild, forbidden adventures with her professor after he starts reciprocating her fantasies.

She confuses it with love. But Harvey has something else in his mind.

Will Yeva enjoy it till it lasts, or she would walk away?

I will start this in August. Please follow the book to get a notification when I update.

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#1 The Beginning!
Yeva's POV It was the last period of a long day after the summer vacation. None of us were in a mood for the class, watching over our watches from time to time. All we wanted was this boring lecture of Mrs. Greenwood to get over so that we could go out. I was meeting most of my friends after a long time, and the lunch break wasn't enough to catch up! "Gabriel is constantly staring at you!" Darch was playing the role of my eyes and ears for almost a year now. I have had this huge crush on Gabriel ever since my first day in high school. But the queen bee of our batch, Chloe, claimed the handsome hunk even before most of us could speak to him. Well, Chloe is a diva. No one can compete with that fashionista. She had this raw beauty that could make any head turn twice. In contrast, I am a plain next-door girl. "Why would he look at me?" I blushed. Gabriel and I shared few periods. We even occasionally interacted since he was my lab partner for a brief period before Chloe pulled some strings to rearrange that. "Didn't you hear the rumor?" Did I forget to tell you that she is the newsmonger? She knew all the gossips. Despite being her best friend, I had no idea how she gets all this information. "What rumor?" I implored, trying to hide my excitement, as we waited for Mrs. Greenwood to come. She isn't usually late for the class. But it was one of those rare exceptions. "Gabriel and Chloe had this huge fight. They are on a break or something!" Darcy gave me the big news. If it was true, then! I could not help but wonder if I would finally have a boyfriend. I am so ready for love! I could not help but glance at Gabriel immediately. He was still looking at me. I blushed timidly, only to get smacked on my head. I turned to see who it was. I was startled to see Chloe. Did she change her class again to be with Gabriel? "How dare you flirt with my BOYFRIEND?" Chloe accused. Chloe had folded her hands against her chest and glaring at me with angry eyes. It made me swallow hard. She wasn't really discreet about her accusation. I looked around only to find that the whole class was already looking at us. I sighed, wondering if I should make a run now. "Chlo, it isn't necessary. She just returned my hello smile with hers." Gabriel came to my rescue. How can I stop my heart when he does such cute acts? "Is it? Then you shouldn't do that to these girls who cannot help but hope we break up, Gab baby! We just had a small fight, like any normal couple. And look how they are considering it as an opportunity." Chloe forgot about my existence while playing with her ponytail and hurting my self-respect. It was so humiliating that I did something that even I wasn't aware I could do. "Chloe, you are delusional if you think I am interested in him. Someone who cannot see how shallow you are can never have my attention." I groused, surprising myself. I must have created history by standing up to the queen bee Chloe. The whole class looked at me in bewilderment. A few of them looked at me with appreciation. A group had devotion-filled eyes, but most of them were full of hatred and resentment. "How dare you?" Chloe seethed, stomping her feet. And I did it again when I scoffed, making her frown. "Don't you have a seat or something? Or are you planning to sit on your Gab baby's lap to ensure he only belongs to you?" I rolled my eyes. Chloe was so angry that she literally pushed me. But today, I was on fire. So, I did the same. But unlike me, she fell. She immediately started sobbing. I mean, she wasn't hurt or anything. She was clearly overreacting. The whole class had gathered around her, including her Gab baby, to coax her. But before anyone could make any further damaging statement, a very raspy, deep, dishy voice echoed through the room. All eyes of the classroom were now darted towards the owner of this voice. There were just too many people standing in front of me, blocking my view. "What is happening here?" The owner of the voice was probably angry. But who cared? I can hear him shouting and yelling at me the whole day without any problem. Even his badgering would sound magical to my ears! Everyone turned to see who it was. I am sure everyone had a similar kind of effect. The girls had those familiar dreamy eyes, while a few tucked their hair behind their ears flirtatiously. The boys were frowning. Obviously, they regarded him as a competition. I could tell he must be handsome for everyone's reaction. It was only me who had an obtrusive view because Gabriel was standing in front of him. He was tall with broad shoulders! For the first time, I wanted him to be short and lean! I turned to see Darcy if she has managed to see the owner of this magical voice. She was swooning over, playing with the hem of her skirt! I had never seen her behaving like that. Who was he? "Everyone, back to your seat!" the voice grumbled. They all gushed back to their seat, but there were several casualties since they weren't looking where they were going but at him. It would have been funny if I wasn't so curious to see him. Gabriel was the only one who stood without even budging. I was beginning to feel he was purposefully blocking the fascinating view. He was standing in front of me while Chloe was still somehow on the floor. Did they drop her again? I was missing all the drama here! "What happened to you?" The voice perhaps asked Chloe. There was a loud sigh. Probably all the girls were again disappointed that this man too noticed Chloe first! I mean, I was sure he hadn't seen me yet. But I could still feel the pang of jealousy. "She pushed me in a fit of jealousy!" Chloe had to open her mouth. With that, my chance of anything good vanished! I regretted the part where I pushed her. I should have punched her pretty face or stabbed her mouth. "She as in the girl behind this young man?" He implored. Chloe nodded her head meekly. This girl should get an Oscar for her acting skills. She was snubbing with me for flirting with her boyfriend a while ago. Now she was doing it to this person! Great! Gabriel helped Chloe rise. I was definite she didn't hit anywhere, but she still limped to her seat. I could not help but roll my eyes. I was distracted by Chloe when the voice boomed again. "Miss, do you have any explanation why you did that?" The voice grabbed my attention once more. When my eyes landed on this beautifully sculpted Greek God, I could not help but swallow hard. He is the definition of perfect. Whoever this man was, he was the most proportionate and good-looking man I had ever seen. He looked older than us, but not much. He must be in his mid-twenties or at maximum late twenties. I wondered he is a new staff hired by the school. Is it okay to have a crush on a school staff? I guess yes! He isn't a teacher or something! I blushed, forgetting all about his question, Chloe's accusation, or even to breathe. "Miss?" "Miss?" A finger tapped over my shoulders, snapping me out of my trance. I flinched with a jerk out of shock. I didn't even realize when this sinfully, devilishly gorgeous man has covered all that distance to stand beside me. "Are you alright?" His voice was gentler now. I could not speak. I was spellbound. I simply nodded my head in response. Duh! I am okay. Just not okay to breathe or speak or think! "Alright, then. Why did you push her?" He questioned. I was about to drool at him again when Darch pinched me, making me recoil. But I was glad she did that. "Umm... She pushed me first?" I quaked my brows. Well, tit for tat is my policy. Shouldn't that be under consideration? "Is that your response?" He implored. I nodded again, assertively. He isn't my teacher or something to give me detention. "Alright, then! Meet me after class in my office for detention." He announced, walking back to the teacher's table. It is then that it dawned on me that he is a teacher. Probably a substitute teacher! And a new one! The word detention was enough to make all those butterfly feelings vanish as I focused on the humiliation. What is it with today that everyone is blaming me for things I didn't even mean to do? She clearly instigated me! At least, she should be in detention, too. "Detention? I have never been in one. Which part you could not understand when I said Chloe pushed me first after humiliating me." I was a little rude, to be honest. "The part where you missed saying the details when you sounded arrogant." He ignored me completely, handing me over a slip of detention. I scoffed, taking it. It was then that I realized I had bruised my hand when Chloe had pushed me. I knew he saw it, too. But that ruthless man ignored it, turning his head back from me. I was sure he was another of those admirers of Chloe. "Well, class, we have already lost a lot of time today! Let's use the remaining time to introduce each other." He announced. The class burst into whispers while I kept glowering at him. I was sure he knew that, but he was good at ignoring. He must have mastered this skill since he would be receiving a lot of attention from young girls to ladies. But this is different, I assure you! "Yes, you are right. I am your new English teacher., Harvey Morris." He declared. The class again mumbled. "Mrs. Greenwood had an emergency. So she had to take a long vacation. I would be replacing her as your teacher for this semester." He informed. "Well, you are young to be a teacher!" Chloe blushed. I could not help but roll my eyes. Was Gabriel blind or something? "I am. But I am still your teacher, Chloe" He chuckled, which looked like flirting to me somehow. He remembered her name, too! But he quickly averted his attention to the rest of the class. "Enough about me for today. Why don't I try to remember your names? You must tell me your name, one achievement or something you are proud about, and a hobby." He smiled. Well, my resentment started melting as a result. "Can you be a little subtle with your stares? What has gotten inside you today?" Darcy whispered while the students started introducing themselves, one after the other. "I can't help it!" I sighed, whispering back. After a couple of more students, it was finally my turn. I was wondering if he would be more interested to know my name. But he had no different reaction for me than what he had for everyone else. "I am Yeva, Yeva Jones, the topper of our last batch. My hobby is to doodle." I informed, grimaced. I wondered if he will reconsider the detention. But he didn't wait long before darting his eyes to Darcy. I sighed, sitting back in my chair. "I am Darcy..." The voice faded in my head. I could not pay attention in class for the first time. All my life, I had been a good student. How was I going to tell my parents about the fight and detention? They will be so upset! When the last bell rang, I grunted, slamming my head on the desk out of frustration. I looked at Mr. Morris with little hope. But he was busy attending to other students. I let out a deep breath, packing my stuff. I had so many plans with Darcy and my other friends after high school. "Yeva, we will wait for you to join us!" Darcy encouraged, leaving. I got up last, unwilling to face my first detention. "Miss Jones, do you have a minute?" Mr. Morris called my name. I scoffed, turning towards him. Do I have a choice? "Because of this behavior, I would like you to assist me for a week and not just today." He announced, handing me another slip. I frowned. A week? "Don't be too scared. It is up to you if you can use this time to impress me. In that case, I would consider this as your help instead of detention." He offered. I wasn't sure what isn't impressive about me when I was the topper of last semester. But hell, yeah? What other option do I have? "Fine!" I accepted the challenge. He twitched his lips into a half-smirk, which made me look ten folds more handsome. I wondered how I am going to concentrate if he does something like that more often! He should be banned. Who even gave him a job when he is so lethal to our hearts? "Great! You can follow me." Mr. Morris grabbed his stuff, walking ahead of me towards his new cabin. I was surprised that it wasn't with other literature people but in the new building. A very few rooms were functional here now. But soon, the entire staff and teachers would be moving here. When we entered his office, a large number of cartons awaited us. "Did you consider me as a scapegoat?" I could not help but blabber. If he wants me to help to arrange his office, then I am doomed. Mr. Morris did not reply. He simply smirked for a reply. He was very different from what he seemed inside the classroom. He took out something from his drawer and placed it on the table. It was a first aid box. "You haven't unpacked a single stuff other than this first-aid box?" I could not help but wonder. I should be asking things like if he was hurt or something. But the boxes of cartons had my complete attention. "It is from the management. Every teacher has one it seems." He smiled, coming towards me. I was confused about what he was trying to do when he grabbed my arm. "Mr. Morris!" I gasped. The living demigod just touched me! "You have a bruise. Let me disinfect it and apply some ointment." He replied, doing what he said. "I can do it." I blabbered without even trying to do what I said. He must have realized it because he did not stop, except for smiling at my comment. When he finished it, he looked into my eyes out of the blue. I was not prepared to have eye contact with him. I was still battling between my crush and conscience. He was my teacher, but also an extremely good-looking man. "Yeva, well, can I call you Yeva?" He asked. I could not help but nod. I liked my name always. But I had never known it could sound so romantic and sexy. Gush! What am I thinking!! "Well, then Yeva, I was there when Chloe made those remarks, and you tackled her. I saw her pushed you and hurt you. I had to intervene when you pushed her, and the class gathered near her." He informed. "You saw it all and still detained only me?" I scowled. My eyes gauged out. I was afraid my eyeballs would fall after a while. But I was too angry then. "You were wrong, too. Admit it." Mr. Morris's voice was calm now. It was as if he was trying to explain something. But it was hard to understand after learning the truth. "Even if I am, how could you be partial?" I groused. I was annoyed! "Well, you are right to fuss about it. I needed to set up my office, and I had no intention to have Chloe around me. Perhaps, I would not have detained you, too, if you were a little docile." Mr. Morris informed. "It doesn't make any sense," I muttered. "It is alright! Did I forget to mention that if you manage to impress me, I will consider it for your grades and recommendation?" Mr. Morris gave an open-ended smile. "You will?" Finally, some good news. "You heard me right, lady. Help me unbox this. Today, I will cut some slack since you are hurt." Mr. Morris reminded me why I was here in the first place. Mr. Morris was not as bad as I had thought. He wasn't just a handsome face with exceptionally well-built features. He was also good from the inside. The fact that he preferred me over Chloe for this made me happy. It was a weird obsession I was beginning to nurture. As we unpacked the boxed and tried to arrange his books and other stuff, I got enough opportunity to steal glances at his toned body and perfect muscles. Every time he raised his hand to keep a book on the upper racks, his biceps and triceps would bulge, giving a perfect impression even under the fabric. I could not help but wonder what it would be like to touch them. Whenever he smiled, my stomach flip-flopped. I could feel my heart race every time our fingers brushed accidentally. Whenever he ran his long fingers against his ruffled hair, I could feel hormones churning my insides. And when he looks at me, my world stops! I knew he was here to create havoc in my perfectly ordinary life. I was finally able to move on from my stupid, unreasonable crush on Gabriel, only to land on something unattainable and forbidden! After all, he is a teacher while I am his student. It wasn't right to have such romantic feelings for him and crave for his hot body. I sighed, wondering if I will be ever able to resist this damning crush on Mr. Morris! It felt like the beginning of something magical!

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