Chapter 11: The Trust

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Kayla’s Point of View Life never gave us what we wanted. I wanted to live freely, but fate brought me here in the castle of Midlands, among the dragons. I thought I would be tortured here, rotting in a cell. Instead, Lord Dimitrov brought me to his room. I was scared again, thinking about all the bad things that could happen to me, especially when he said I had to serve him. Things again took a turn and never went the way I thought they would be. I indeed had to serve him, but not in bed which was a relief. However, I didn't know the hidden intentions behind his pity. I was all alone, and other maidens from Arak was still in that dark dungeon. They were my people; they were my responsibility. I had to take the step to get them out of this black hole. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but that would never stop me from trying. With a sigh, I crashed the herbs in my hand. I wasn't restrained to stay in the chamber anymore since I was the one to 'serve' lord Dimitrov. But my steps were restricted to the north wing. Other parts of the castle were out of my reach. One day while wandering around the garden by my new room, I came across some familiar herbs that we had in Arak. To my wonder, they were used as anaesthesia in the castle. I was beyond happy as I could see the faint ray of hope to get out of this confinement, to save my people. Quickly I collected some leaves from the garden. I was the one to look after the meal of that dragon. It would be even easier for me to mix these herbs in his food without being suspected. A sudden knock on the door brought me back to reality, scaring me to death. Was he back already? I thought it would take a while. What if he found out? My fingers trembled. Sweat covered my forehead as I heard the knock again, followed by a feminine voice, "Kayla? Could you please open the door? I have brought food for the lord." An assurance filled my heart. “Just a maid!” I sighed in relief. Hiding the herbs in the drawer, I wiped the table quickly and opened the door. The maid smiled as usual and handed me over the trolley. The alluring smell of freshly cooked food filled the room. "Thank you," I smiled at her as I pulled the trolley inside the room. Closing the door, I ran towards the drawer and took out the medicine and mixed it on his soup, stirring it well. Then I sprinkled some on the meat as well. This amount should be enough to put him to sleep for at least the entire night. My heart was still racing. What if he found out? 'Calm down, Kayla. These herbs have no scent. And they look like spices. He will never find out.' I tried to assure myself. I arranged the food on the table with my trembling hand. Taking a few deep breaths, I tried to gain my composure. It was only the first part of my plan. How would I ever be able to escape if I acted like this! I was standing by the marble top table. My mind was in turmoil when a warm breath touched my neckline. I heard him smelling my scent, making me almost jump from my position. "Are you plotting against me?" He muttered, making me shiver. Did he already see through me? When did he arrive? Why didn't I hear him coming? My heart was pounding. Suddenly he burst into laughter. My stare shifted at him in confusion. Those blue orbs were filled with mischief. "You are just like a little scared rabbit." He smirked. Was he only joking? He didn't suspect me. I sighed in silence. For a moment, I thought I was caught. Dimitrov pulled a chair and started to eat. I stood there in silence. Soon he took off his armour and went for a bath that I had already prepared for him. Like other days, he came out from the bathroom, wearing his dark blue robe, showing his evenly toned chest muscles. The water was dripping from his damp hair. Under the dimly lit candles, his eyes looked at me impishly, and I moved my gaze quickly. I was still unaware if I could execute the rest of the plan. Unlike other days, he didn't say much and retired on the fancy baldachin. The white lacy curtains were falling freely around the bed. I pretended to be busy, clearing up the dishes, trying my best to hide my nervousness. I could hardly eat anything out of anxiety. Slowly I made my way towards the bed again, as the light snoring was lingering on the air. He was sound asleep. I took calculative steps and moved the white curtain to peek at him. His eyes were closed. The relaxed expression on his face was something I had never seen before. I moved my eyes quickly, stepping back. I was left with no other choice. Slowly I walked towards the drawer and grabbed the dagger I hid before. Turning back, I crept towards the bed. Leaning over his face, I examined his eyes. He didn’t move for a moment. He was a dragon, and his senses were heightened. If he were in his right mind, he surely would have woken up by now. Even so, I couldn’t throw away the knot in my heart. With shaky hands, I held the dagger up. His robe was very thin, which would never make any hindrance. Now the only thing left was to stab him in his heart. I read that was the only way to hurt a dragon. Swallowing my saliva, I inhaled deeply. I had to do it to gain my freedom. Holding the dagger high in the air, I stabbed him in his heart. The red, warm liquid oozed out, eating up all my courage. I had never killed anyone in my entire life, and today, I stabbed a dragon. I removed my hand from the dagger instantly. He didn’t even flinch for a moment. His robe became wet, and the thick red liquid stained the white bedsheet. Reality hit me suddenly. Did I kill him? My heart was pounding like anything. My brain gave up. Sitting on the bed, I shook his shoulder to check if he was alive. A part of me wanted him to wake up. “Di… Dimi…trov,” I mumbled, getting no response. My eyes were wide open. I killed him! I killed someone. With reflex, I pulled out the dagger. Using my hands, I tried to stop the blood which didn’t help. I just wanted to hurt him bad so that I could escape; instead, I had become a murderer. “No… no… no,” “What have I done!” I didn’t know what to do next. He wasn’t responding. His blood stained my hands. I stood up quickly and stepped back until I hit the wall. What should I do now? My mind had lost its reasoning, and my legs gave up soon. Slowly I slid down the wall and crumbled on the floor. A coldness surrounded my heart. I forgot my chance to escape. The only thing that was in my mind that I killed a person who never treated me badly. Maybe he was my capturer; perhaps they had destroyed my lands, even though my heart couldn’t find peace with his death. I hugged my knees and curled into a small ball, hiding my face. I was a murderer. I was no different from them. “Once you stab someone, you should run faster, Kayla, especially if he is a dragon.” That familiar deep voice echoed in the room, making me shiver. Was I just dreaming? “Look at me, Kayla.” I clearly heard him again, ordering me. Gulping my fear, I raised my head. A gasp left my mouth as I saw those enticing blue eyes glaring at me. He was alive, sitting on the bed. I didn’t know if I should be happy. He stepped closer and loosened his grip making the dagger fell on the floor with a resonating noise. Suddenly I realised what I had done! I stabbed him and he was alive. What was I thinking? I should have run away from his grip. He would surely take revenge. He bent his knees and sat before me. His chest caught my gaze. To my wonder, the wound had disappeared. “Did you think it was that easy? Using some mere herbs and then stabbing my heart?” His aloof expression was giving me a hard time. His aura was increasing, showing his strength. He knew it all. He was pretending the entire time. He leaned over my face. I could see my end on those mesmerising blue eyes. He would never let me off for what I had done. I closed my eyes as I mumbled, “please… don’t hurt me.” “Open your eyes, Kayla.” He growled, making me open my eyes. “Don’t hurt you? You are the one who stabbed me. Look into my eyes and tell me. Have I ever mistreated you? Perhaps, I had given you too much freedom.” He spoke. I looked into his eyes. They were furious, but his last words were laced with sadness. Was it only in my thoughts? “Please spare me….” I whispered, lowering my head. I had no strength to look at his face. “You made a mistake, Kayla, and you have to pay for it.” He declared, making me shiver again. His face was inches away from mine. I shut my eyes tightly, unable to bear his piercing gaze. I waited for his action. I knew it wouldn’t be easy. His minty breath lingered over my nose. What was he going to do? Would he kill me? He held the nape of my neck, and suddenly, his moist warm lips touched mine. I opened my eyes promptly, not excepting a kiss. His hand restrained my movement. Like a hungry animal, he devoured my lips, and at the end, he bit on them hard, making me groan in pain. The metallic taste filled my mouth. With a mischievous smirk, he pulled way, looking into my eyes. Suddenly his expression changed. Caressing my lips with his thumb, he spoke, “I trusted you, Kayla and let you live in this chamber where I sleep without wearing my armour. Don’t break it again.” I lost my inner battle with his words. He trusted me, and I betrayed him! Wasn’t he one of them? Why would he trust me? Why would he treat me differently? Dimitrov stood up and stormed out of the room without even glancing at me.   Third Party’s POV Dimitrov strode out of his chamber. His heavy steps broke the silence of the night. After taking several turns he stopped in front of a huge metallic door that was half-open. The emperor was waiting for him inside. Without any hesitation, he walked in. Only a few candles were burning timidly, trying hard to erase the darkness. Dimitrov scanned the room quickly. A tall dark frame was standing by the open window. Without moving his head, the emperor questioned, “why are you still calm even though you have been stabbed?” “How do you….” Dimitrov couldn’t finish his words. “I am the emperor, Dimitrov. I know every little thing happening in Midlands.” He replied. “Indeed, you are the emperor.” Dimitrov acknowledged. “Do you want to share?” The emperor asked again, taking a sip from the golden glass he was holding. “I have my reasons,” Dimitrov responded. “We are in the middle of a war, Dimitrov unless you have forgotten. Getting drunk is a good thing unless you let it swallow you. Do not forget what happened to our forefather.” The Emperor added. “Why did you summon me?” Ignoring his words, Dimitrov questioned. Indeed, the emperor connected with him through the mind link. “I wanted to talk to you about our next move.” The emperor turned this time to face Dimitrov. His cold eyes were looking through Dimitrov’s intentions, making him shiver for a moment. Emperor walked towards a table placed by the wall. Dimitrov followed him. Their steps stopped in front of the map placed on the table. Taking a long wooden pointer, the emperor started, “our navy is already near the shore of Great East to prevent any kind of problems. And I have ordered to secure the border with North Mount as well.” “People at North are wise, and those Eastern are strong headed,” Dimitrov commented, looking over the map. “Yes. That is the reason we will start with South. They are weak.” The emperor added. Shifting his gaze towards Dimitrov, he asked, “Do you have any news?” “I heard the King wants to negotiate with you. Tax and maidens.” Dimitrov replied. “Interesting! Is your source reliable?” The emperor questioned again with a smirk on his face. “Indeed.” Dimitrov nodded. “Will you be interested?” His expression changed with Dimitrov’s words. “How can I, Dimitrov? When I want it all!” The emperor declared.
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