The dead prince

787 Words
The little kid who was sitting in dark felt something crawling on her leg. She was crying and shivering uncontrollably trying not to look at the thing that was on her leg. There was darkness and a faint wet smell around her. She was scared and wanted to go to her mother but she saw her dying with her own eyes. Suddenly Sacchi took a deep breath and opened her eyes. Her eyes met with Yarrow who was staring at her worriedly. Both stared at each other until Sachi sat up. "Was I crying?" She asked him as she touched her wet cheek while Yarrow also touched her cheek wiping the tears. He loved watching her face and her scent was amazing. It was her scent which attracted him in the forest. He had no idea who he was and from where he came but seeing this girl he could not control himself. He did not know how to communicate with her but he wanted to stay with her. "Sometimes, I have nightmares. But it's been long since I had one last time. I don't know why I am having these again." Sacchi tried to smile. Having Yarrow in the same apartment, she did not feel lovely like always. It was Sunday so she decided to buy few things for him. When she came from the shopping, Yarrow was waiting for her patiently. Now Sacchi was not sacred of him anymore but instead she accepted him as a roommate. Yet she kept trying to find anything on him. He must have a family who was waiting for him or may be they did not care. She placed food in front of him who was happy seeing the cooked steak. As he started eating happily, Sacchi watched him. "Yarrow, do you remember your family." She asked him who looked at her and gave a big bright smile. "You know you are very cute. If I could not find your family then you can stay here. At least, I don't feel lonely whenever you are here. It feels like as if I know you. Do you also feel that? Is that the reason you came to save me?" She asked him who was busy in eating his food. Sacchi smiled over her thoughts. She could not understand why he came to save her and why he did not hurt her at all. After the lunch, they sat in front of the television while Sacchi change the channel to news. Yarrow was not happy and whined to change the channel. "Let me look at the picture of the prince. At least, he is my dead fiance." She chuckled and watched the screen where the host was speaking non stop. "After years of searching, the kingdom's long-lost prince will finally be revealed to the world in a live broadcast from the royal palace." Sacchi's breath caught in her throat, a mixture of emotions flooding her senses. The television screen flickered to life, displaying a grand ceremony unfolding at the royal palace. A crowd gathered, dignitaries and citizens alike awaiting the monumental announcement that would reshape the kingdom's destiny. Sacchi watched in stunned silence as the regal figures appeared on the screen, the anticipation building with each passing moment. The camera zoomed in on a figure standing among the royal entourage, a sense of familiarity washing over Sacchi. "It can't be...." The words sounded strange to her. She looked at the screen where a young boy was smiling towards the camera. This picture was taken on the eighteenth birthday of the prince and the same day of his disappearance. Looking at the face of Yarrow, she could see that he changed a lot in these years but still one can easily recognize they were the same. Sacchi blinked in shock. "It is a request from everyone in the country to look for our precious prince. I hope we can find him so in future he can lead is better." The host kept speaking and Sacchi watched the screen in horror. "Prince Yarrow who must be 21 by the time, can be anywhere among us. It he is watching this news, I request him to return to the palace. The whole kingdom is praying for the safety of our Prince and..." Sacchi was fast to turn off the television. Her head started hurting with all the questions as Yarrow innocently stared at her. Suddenly the door was beaten from outside making the two come out of their thoughts. The first thought that came in her mind was someone must have recognized Yarrow with her and she knew if those people came for Yarrow then she did not has much time to live. ......
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