39. Effort

1928 Words
I spend the rest of the weekend relaxing, and my schedule starts back up on Monday. I see a flower outside the theater after practice. I know it's from Collin. It's the same kind he always got me. I ignore it and keep going. Tuesday, I get informed I'm going to another ball this weekend. Apparently, it's good for me. I just feel bad for my date at this point. It's not like I can even get off the couch. Thursday, Collin shows up at the house. I run in and Lindsay talks to him. Then I go to my apartment. I don't care what he has to say. Lindsay bangs on my door after a while. "Enter." She comes in and eats ice cream with me. "He really wants to take you to a school dance." "I'm done with him." "But you had so much fun together. It's only dating. And how often will you get a chance to go to a school dance?" "It's not the same." "You can still go. Talk to him a little bit. Enjoy the music. Pick out a nice dress." I sigh. "Good glad we agree." She makes a door and pulls me onto my front porch in the village. Collin is sitting on the steps. I sit beside him. "I'm not going to the dance with you Collin." "Oh you have got to be joking." Lindsay comes down and steps in front of us. "You like him. You have fun with him. He's nice and think about him giving you the flowers." I shake my head. "I'm not saying you're wrong. But what about after? We go on a couple of dates and I keep finding him with other people. I'm not doing that. I'm tired of rumors. I want to go back to being single and stop dating all together." "No. You are not moping around forever because you caught him with someone else. You have to keep going. That's not a reason to stop dating." "And how many didn't I catch him with?" She scratches her head. "Oh that's a good 1. But that doesn't mean you give up dating. There are still a lot of fun boys out there." "All they want to do is rub and hug on me. Kiss on me. Then walk out of my sight and do it with the next girl." I shake my head. "I'm not doing this anymore." "Oh, are you going to like girls now?" "Maybe I will." She rolls her eyes and Collin looks at me. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. You are a lot of fun and I do like spending time with you. Will you please go to the dance with me? Not even as a date. Just friends." I smile. "I could do that. It would be nice to get out and do something fun again." Lindsay nods. "So what are you wearing? You need to match and I need a date. Help me out here." "I know a couple of guys without dates." "Are they cute?" She sits on the other side of him. "I have no idea." "Well, come by Sunday at like 1:30. We'll be here. Bring 1, and I'll see if he's cute enough." Collin starts laughing. "And don't forget your clothes. We'll get her a dress that matches. It's so cute when people match like that." "I'll be here on Sunday at 1:30 with my dance suit and a couple of boys for you to pick from." "Perfect." "I'll see you Sunday." I nod and he walks off. "I can't believe you weren't going to go with him." "I don't want to get hurt anymore." Saturday comes fast. I get ushered into another castle at 2. I see Tre and run to him. Nobody is even dressed for a ball. I cling to him. Tye smiles. "This is my parents' castle. We're getting ready and leaving from here." A couple of hours later. I am all done up as a princess and ready for a ball. I got a full princess dress that's white and silver. My hair is done, and the tiara is on my head. I do feel pretty. I missed this. I wait in the sitting room with other people. Kane walks in. "Alright, we're moving. And they redid the lineup. The advisors are leading in. Johen, Tre, Emma, Tye, then the king and queen." "Does Emma have a date?" "Yes." "WHAT?" Tye is ready to kill. "Don't scare him, Tye. The kid is about to piss his pants already. I think he's younger than she is. If you say anything to him, he'll probably start bawling." "Good." Nadine rubs his back. "He's just a doorknob. Let them have a dance and try to be formal. We'll all keep an eye on them. Just shake his hand and introduce yourself. You can do this." "I'll try." "Thank you." Then his dad walks in. "Tye, there is a boy here. Your mother brought him here to take my little girl to the ball. He needs to die." "No. He is a scared little boy. They are at an age they can learn about formality and respect. They aren't going to do anything. They're too young. It'll be fine. You will manage and everyone can keep an eye on them." "YOU ARE NOT HURTING THAT BOY DARICK." The queen comes in and kicks him in the shin. "I MEAN IT. NOW KNOCK IT OFF. She is so excited for this. You will not ruin it for her. So let that boy have dinner with her and give her a couple dances." "FINE. BUT THEY BETTER NOT KISS, CLARICE." "SHE'S GOT A VEIL ON. I THINK WE'LL ALL NOTICE IF IT COMES OFF." "FINE. 1 dance." She kicks him in the shin again. "WE'RE ALL GOING TO BE THERE THE WHOLE TIME. THEY WON'T EVER BE ALONE." Tye scratches his head. "Where are they now?" "Hello my boy." His mom gives him a hug. "She's finishing getting ready. He's with the advisors. Everything will be fine. I miss you. You 2 are so perfect together. How is that grandson of ours?" Nadine smiles. "Well, I'm trying to talk them into a few more for you but some of them I can't get talked into it." He cracks up laughing. "Don't even." "TYE." His mom kicks him in the shin. "SHE'S YOUR MATE. GIVE HER BABIES NOW." She crosses her arms. "WE'LL WAIT." Everyone in the room cracks up laughing. "While that is tempting and a bit odd. She's not in heat right this second." She points her finger at him. "I'm watching you." "Ok mom." "I love you." "I love you too." Thora loses it. "WE'LL WAIT." We all laugh again. Then Kane makes a door. I look around. "Oh, this is nice." Thora nods. "A lot better than the last 1. All those people in 1 room was crazy. We got a whole sitting room to ourselves." I smile. "We won't lose everyone this time." Clarice smiles. "There are only 4 castles here. It shouldn't be too bad. It should be a relaxing evening. We've been friends with the host for many years." Then she looks at Tye. "That doesn't mean go stupid." "So is the waiting offer off the table?" She gives him the dirtiest look and the rest of us start laughing again. "King Yanin and group, right this way." We line up in the hallway and the advisors start going in and getting announced. Me and Tre get through the announcement and sit at our table. "I'm sorry you got stuck with me." He gives me a funny look. Then Thora and Nadine start arguing over a prince. Thora grab the name book off the table. "Should probably figure out who they are." Nadine smiles. "These are convenient." "Yea they are. We'll have to remember to use these." She nods. "Here today is King Pavlou in black and green. King Couvier in the blue. King Volkmar in black and gold." "That's them. Black and gold." "I can see." Tye and Johen laugh. "Who are they, babydoll?" "They were at the last ball too." "My dad and Couvier have been friends for years. They're probably someone else he knows. I wouldn't worry about it." I watch the prince and princess dances. The younger group are so cute, trying to be formal. Then the Couvier king goes to the floor. "Now we have a special dance. I have been assured these 2 will give us the best dance of the night." Tye looks at his mom. "Are you serious?" "Yes, go dance. I need some entertainment." "She's been spending too much time with my mother." "Yes she has." Nadine goes with him to the dance floor. He twirls, spins, and even tosses her up in the air. I can tell she has a lot of fun. Then we eat. This food is good, but not like the last castle. I eat enough. Then they switch us to the little couches and the boys roam off to talk to other boys. Thora sits beside me. "Collin is coming at 1 tomorrow?" "1:30. If he even shows up." "What do you mean?" "I have a feeling he won't show up for the dance. He'll find someone else to take as a date and ignore me." "I don't think he would do that." "I guess we'll find out." I shrug my shoulders. "I'll kick his ass if he does that." I laugh and shake my head. "So who do you think is going to stand you up next week?" That sexy prince they keep fighting over is standing in front of us. "Wow, you been standing there a minute." He nods. "Her ex. She caught him kissing some other girl at a party. Now they are going to dance on Friday as friends. She thinks he won't show up." He shakes his head. "The friend thing is a lie to get you back. He thinks if he can spend enough time with you and make you happy again, you'll get back together with him." Thora smiles. "That's helpful information. Thank you. Now we know." "My pleasure." I shake my head. "I still think he won't show up." "He might not. If another girl shows up with real interest in him, he might blow you off for her. Thinking you're not worth the effort of trying again." "I came over to see if 1 of you wanted to dance." He smiles at me. Thora jumps up. "I'll dance with you." "Thank you." He leads her away. Tre sits down and hands me a glass of wine. I take a sip and smile. "This is good, thank you." "I thought you would like it. It's not blood wine, but it's pretty good." "I think I figured out where the other blood wine is. It's really south on the Nile. I was talking to the servants and 1 of them had to go there before. It's my best lead for it. We have to check it." "We can go next weekend if you want." "I have that dance on Friday." "You going to date him again?" "We're going as friends. Thora really wanted to go and is getting a date. I got sucked in, I guess." He chuckles. "Try to have fun. Think of it as something new to experience." "I'll try." Tye drags Tre off to talk to someone. I spend the rest of the night enjoying the music.
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