Chapter 1

1042 Words
Catherine's POV I laid in bed at night, unable to sleep. Have you ever experienced grief? If you have, you'll know how gut wrenching it is. It's so bad that it makes me want to throw up. I feel sick. A few days ago, I found out that my mom died. When heard the news, I had no idea how to feel or what to do about it. I laid in bed, looking at my window. My room was enveloped in darkness just like my heart. My mind is heavy with sorrow. I couldn't sleep for days. I turned to lie on my back and stared at my ceiling, lost in a whirwind of thoughts and emotions. Every time I close my eyes, I'm filled with a reminder of the love I shared with my mom. I remember everything. I recall the laughters, the conversations we had, the hugs we shared and the sweet words she told me. The reminders played like movie reels in my head. I just longed to hear my mom's voice. I wish she could tell me this was just a dream and everything will work out. Tears welled up in my eyes. They streamed down my cheeks as my emotions got the best of me. I can't deal with this empty feeling in my chest. It feels like my chest would burst any minute. In my search for solace, I just recalled the memories of my mom. I knew there was nothing I could do. When a person is dead, they stay dead. All I can do is to seek healing in her memories. Due to my thoughts, exhaustion overcame me. I drifted slowly into sleep with my mom's presence lingering. As darkness enveloped me, it felt like I wasn't the only one in the room. * The day of her burial finally arrived. For days now, the whole family had been preparing for it. we decided to take no time to bury her. As a the head pack warrior's wife, her body couldn't be left for too long. I stood in front of her dress along with the others, dressed in black. I dreaded this day because it was confirmation that my mom is actually gone. I wished it was all a dream but standing here, in the midst of everyone wearing black with tears in their eyes proved to me that this is reality. My mom is gone and there's nothing anyone can do to bring her back. I stood at the edge of the grave as the priest said the rites. This Is it. This is my time to say goodbye. "The moon goddess has a reason for everything" the priest said "Let us thank her for the gift of a new day. Let the dead bury the dead and let the living focus on the future. May the moon goddess console the hearts of her family and friends" The atmosphere was sober and filled with a sense of loss. My mom was loved by everyone she came across. She was the sweetest person I had ever come across. The sounds of soft whispers and muffled sobs filled the air. My hands trembled slightly as he said the words because I knew I would soon have to pour sand over her casket. As the casket was gently lowered to the ground, I sighed. I felt a mixture of emotions inside me. "Time to say goodbye" the priest said to me. My aunt; May, from behind me squeezed my shoulders "You're strong, Catherine" "Thank you" I whispered. I clutched a handful of soil from the earth and walked forward. With a heavy heart, I released the soil into the open grave. My aunt poured some soil over her grave too. I felt sorry for my aunt. She and my mom were as close as two peas in a pod. There's no doubt that May would miss her older sister. "Where's the father?" the priest asked "Where is the husband of the deceased?" A sense of realization hit me. That's true. I was so caught up in my feelings that I didn't notice the absence of my father. I looked around but found no sight of him. "He's probably too traumatized to come down" May answered "He loved his wife too much. He's totally heartbroken" The priest nodded in understanding. The undertakers used shovels to pour heaps of sand over the grave. As the ceremony came to an end, I stood there. My eyes were fixed to the heaps of sand that covered my mom's grave. I let out a sigh. My aunt hugged me and kissed my cheek. "It's the beginning of a new chapter, not the end" May told me "Like the priest said, everything happens for a reason. Your mom is a good woman. There's no doubt that she's resting with the moon goddess now" I took a deep breath. Her words brought me much needed comfort "Thanks, aunt May" She linked her arms with mine "Let's go inside" Our close friends and family were gathered in the house. We had prepared food and drinks for everyone. The next hour was filled with me serving food and receiving words of consolation from everyone. Seeing everyone dressed in black made me realize what a sad colour it truly was. I went to the kitchen to get more servings for some of the guests. When I got there, I heard my aunt talking to one of my mom's friends. "Where is Ann?" my mom's friend asked. Ann is my mom's best friend. I'd been looking for her too. She seemed too devastated when my mom died. She literally fainted at the news. I knew she didn't have the heart to come for the burial. "I have no idea" May said "We've been looking for Damon too" Damon is my dad. "Is there any problem?" I asked them. May took my hand and led me outside the kitchen. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "I hope nothing is. I need you to find your father. Make sure everything is okay with him. After the ceremony, I'll go look for Ann. She's most likely at home" "Okay" I walked through the corridor, desperately in search for my father,
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