Go back or not?

1110 Words

"Really?" Michael said sadly. "Yeah!" Tom answered cheerfully, his countenance changed when he remembered Michael's sad tone, "Why'd you sound sad? I've been nudging my dad to let me do my senior year at your school. Didn't you know?". "Don't get me wrong, I mean, I know you wanted to come to my school but… I don’t plan to stay in France for senior year. I wanted to have it at US." Michael announced. Tom went back slowly. "For Clara?" he sounded disheartened. Betrayed. Michael wanted to say something but his mouth refused to speak. "Um.. Th-That's okay. Yeah… its okay. See ya" Tom stammered and moved away towards his car. Michael watched him leave. "I messed up" he mumbled as he went over to his own car. Today was supposed to be wonderful. They just finished the cross-over p

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