Chapter Eighteen – Dating a Queen.

1077 Words

Clara cheered loudly with her friends. Just today the French guy came and the whole school was already talking about him. If she could make a better impression on him and make him one of the guys drooling over her, then her popularity would be more stable and no one would dare her. Even other Queens of neighboring schools would be obedient to her. His silver hair gave off a different I’ve with his emerald eyes. If not she was the Queen of the school, she could have dated him. “But really, couldn’t anyone else be his tour guide? Must it be my ugly twin” she sipped her orange juice. Belle giggled on her use of “ugly”. “Claudia isn’t ugly though. She just doesn’t want to tap on her beautiful part” Mega giggled also. Clara rolled her eyes and sipped her juice again. What was beauti

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