
1237 Words
We hike up into the forest until we are in a huge clearing surrounded by miles of forest. I should feel uneasy but I don’t. The worst could happen in the home I live in. I’m no safer there than I am here. If Hazel trusts him then I trust him. ‘What are we doing here?’ I ask, but he doesn't reply, only gestures his hands around in a circle to show where we are. ‘I can see that. Why are we are, Onyx?’ I ask again losing my patience. He pulls his hand up from his chain and gestures it outwards. ‘You don't speak?’ I ask and he shakes his head and laughs at me. He does it again, this time gesturing his hand around the forest. ‘Shout?’ I ask and he shrugs his shoulders in a maybe, not quite right. He does it again and I can't understand what he's trying to tell me. I don't think he is signing but I wouldn't understand if he was. It makes me feel rotten for not understanding him when he's trying to speak with me. I hang my head feeling guilty and he pulls his fingers under my chin and tilts my head up with a huge smile. He’s so happy and doesn’t seem to be frustrated with me at all. I’m frustrated with myself though. He tries the gesture again and when he keeps dragging his hand out and opening his mouth. ‘Scream?’ I ask this time and he smiles and nods his head, pointing to me. ‘You want me to scream?’ I ask and he nods. I let out a light scream and he laughs and shakes his finger, gesturing his hand out again as he shakes it. ‘Louder?’ I ask beginning to understand him better as he nods. I try again and he begins to walk off and leave me. ‘No, wait. Please don’t leave me here.’ I beg through my panic. He grabs a stick and carves into the mud, the words let go. I look at him for a moment and he begins to walk off again after a nod at me. I think he’s leaving me alone to scream so that I do it properly and let go. I can’t be sure though. It’s so frustrating. I wish I just understood why I was here. I stare into the forest for a while before trying to let go. I don't know how to do that. I let out a small scream and some birds fly out into the trees. I can't do this. Onyx comes back with a smile on his face like usual. This time, he empties his bag and he has some plates, a wooden bat and some boxing gloves. He puts the plate in my hand and gestures at me to throw it. I hesitate at first but then throw it at a tree, flinching as it smashes. He nods his head and passes me another, and another. Each time I throw more aggressively and let out a bit of anger. He nods and smiles like that's a good thing. He then picks up the bar and begins hitting a tree with it before handing it to me to do the same. I don't really like hitting the tree. What's the tree ever done to me? I do as he wants though and by the end of it, I am hammering dents into the bark as I release all of my anger. I'm screaming and crying and I look down to see that Onyx is staring at me. He's cleaned up all the mess I made with the plates and is watching me as I lose myself to my anger and frustration, the pain I feel about everything. The way my life started, my parents, Alpha Magnus, Oisin, the way my life is now and how it's going. I continue to let it all go as I scream, cry and swing the bat. When I can't swing anymore I let the sobs get the better of me, tears pouring down my face as my body trembles, Onyx wraps his arms around me and brings me to his chest. He holds me whilst I cry and when I eventually calm down and pull away, he holds my biceps and looks at me to check I'm actually okay. I think it's all over. I assume we are done but then he passes me some boxing gloves and tries to show me how to stand, punch and defend myself. I'm too exhausted but I try my best for a while until my body is on the floor with exhaustion. That's when he passes me a plastic container containing lunch and a drink. The lunch consists of a sandwich, yoghurt and honey, some fruit, nuts and seeds. He takes a sit next to me and opens his own box, containing the same items. He takes out his sandwich, unwrapping it and taking a huge bite before looking at me with a huge grin full of sandwich. ‘Sorry.’ I mutter as I begin to pick at my lunch. This whole thing is too strange. He grips my chin and turns my face to his, frowning before shaking his head. I think he's telling me not the apologise. I like to think I'm beginning to understand him, but who knows? We sit in silence as we eat our lunch. It's a comfortable silence though, and one I'm starting to appreciate. I have so many questions but I can't ask them right now. I don't know how to ask. I want to know who he is and why he's brought me here today. Is he helping me or trying to make things worse? Why would Hazel allow this when she's always been so strict? Onyx packs up after we’ve finished eating and I sit there for a moment longer whilst he does. I tried to help but he tapped my hand away and shook his head with a smile. He smiles so much that I don't know whether to think it's a little terrifying. It's a nice smile. He just does it a lot. I can't hold my breath as I stare into the forest at the black wolf between the trees looking back at me. It doesn't move straight away and when I look at Onyx, I swear he looks at the wolf and nods. ‘You, you can see it?’ I ask him as he turns to look at me. I don't think he heard me but as I look back to where the wolf was standing, it's nowhere to be seen. I stand and look around me, heading towards the space but Onyx grabs my hand and tugs me in the opposite direction. He keeps looking at me with concern in his eyes but I don't say anything. As we reach his motorbike, he grabs the helmet and I grab his wrist to prevent him from putting it on me. ‘Did you see it?’ I ask and he looks at me expressionless. ‘The wolf. Did you see it?’ I ask again but he doesn't do anything. ‘A black wolf.’ I ask again feeling frustrated. He shakes his head and puts the helmet over mine. I guess that's the end of that topic. Something tells me he did see it though.
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