Chapter Fourteen

2270 Words

Quinn I woke up the next morning way later than I wanted to. I quickly showered, put on some clothes, and headed out of the bedroom. Paul was sitting on the couch and watching the news. I walked over and took the seat next to him.  “Well if it ain’t sleeping beauty. What fun do you have planned for me today princess?” Paul muted the television and looked over at me.  “So I was thinking about going to the top of the Empire State Building and seeing Grand Central Station. Also, if there is enough time I’d like to visit the 9/11 memorial as well.”  “I can’t believe I’m going to ask you this, but wouldn’t you rather shop?”  “I don’t need to shop. If I need something we have the exact same stores out in Vegas that are here. So why spend my free time in a store dealing with salespeople. I w

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