Chapter Thirty-six

1267 Words
Homicide division... “Hey, Cass, can you conjure up Demon?” Her eyes glared in my direction. “Excuse me, I meant to say, Demi,” I corrected myself. “And have her send us an itemized list of the evidence collected from the scene?” “On it,” she quickly replied. For days now we have been trying to compare what happened to Avery with what also happened to Ellie Kingston. The items listed seem to match up. “She says that she’ll send it as an office email as soon as they are finished with it. We should get it no later than tomorrow morning,” “Okay, thanks. Hey, Roge, any success on who has the missing security footage yet?” With a twinkle in his eye, Roger answered, “Yep. Wanna guess who has it?” “Not really. Just tell me already,” I gruffly replied. “I would like to move forward with this case.” “Fine,” he huffed. “Blackwater Security Company. It’s a division of Blackwater Industries, Inc. Oh, and Blackwater Industries owns the warehouse that Avery was found in.” “Damn it,” I muttered silently to myself. “Let me find the business card with their number and try to get in touch with them. I just hope that they’re willing to help us out again.” I remember sticking it in my wallet when we exchanged cards at the Broken Badger. I grabbed it and handed it off to Roger. “I’ll get right on it, Sarge,” he stated. During our brief conversation, Doc Jacobson made his way back to our area. I noticed him standing in the doorway from the corner of my eye. “What’s up Doc?” Yeah, I went there. It was bound to happen sooner or later. “Cute,” he grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Anything wrong with the autopsy,” I asked. “Just that it’s taking longer than usual.” “Why’s that?” “Noah needs the experience. But since we need to try to match the original injuries...” he trailed off. Noah Davidson, MD is Doc Gilbert Jacobson’s assistant, down in the morgue. He finished his forensic pathology residency three years ago and passed the law enforcement exam with flying colors. The guy is incredibly intelligent. How intelligent? Don’t play Trivial Pursuit with him. I guess under the scrubs he’s a muscular guy. He would have to be able to move around all that dead weight. Anyhow, he’s been figuratively joined at Gil’s side since joining Wolfdale City PD. I don’t envy him his job either. The only good thing going for him outside of work, in my opinion, is that he is single. “What about the time of death?” I asked. “Can that be established, yet?” “The deterioration of the body from being exposed to the elements has made it trickier.” “On the off chance, would having a biologist help in that area?” “Possibly...know of any?” Gil Jacobson said jokingly. “I can think of one,” I smiled broadly. Hey, if Hanna Grimm can help move this case forward, I’ll buy her a cup of coffee for the rest of her life. “Let me get Chief Edwards to okay it. He also has her number.” “Why would Edwards have her number?” Gil’s curiosity got the better of him. “Cause she’s his niece,” I stated matter a factly. “Right! I think I know who you are referring to. She knows her stuff for sure. Jabberwocky tried to berate her at our impromptu meeting with her.” “Jabberwocky will berate anyone given the chance.” “Unfortunately, true.” The next day, the Biology lab, Wolfdale City University... With Patrick Bryant back from his leave, Hanna is happily back at her desk down in the laboratory. It’s been another early morning run for the memory cards. All of them, both the Biology Department’s and her personal ones. Today, as before, is her paper grading day. There’s a lot to get caught upon. Red ink pen in hand, Hanna begins her task. Not even past the third exam, Mitch hovers over her desk, casting a shadow on her work. “Seriously?” Hanna huffed out of frustration. Expecting Professor Bryant, she was pleasantly surprised to see Mitch. “Hey, beautiful,” he spoke lovingly to her. “Hey,” she whispered back, blushing. “Is this a bad time for a visit?” he innocently inquired. “Um...” she started off flustered. “I am in the middle of grading papers. Pull up a stool. Just let me do work, deal?” “Deal.” Mitch grabbed a stool and settled in close to Hanna, watching her work. Pulling into a parking spot not too far from the Biology Science building, I notice Professor Bryant and a young lady in her late teens or early twenties flirting with each other. They’re oblivious to my presence and continue making plans with each other. “So, I’ll see you tonight then?” Professor Bryant charmed the young woman with his smile. “I’ll be there. I can’t wait,” the woman replied back giddily. I still don’t trust or like the Professor, but I will make sure that his brother’s attacker/ murderer is brought to justice. I hastily made my way across the lot and into the building. I descend the small flight of stairs and head toward the laboratory where Hanna happily works. Minions are weird. As I approached the doorway, I heard voices coming from the room. One is playful, the other sounds annoyed. “Hanna, just one small kiss, please,” the male voice beckoned. “No, Mitch. Not right now. I’m trying to get my work done,” the female sharply replied. I knocked on the door frame to make my presence known. I noticed the moody blonde guy sitting a bit too close to Hanna. She’s clearly uncomfortable with his proximity to her. “Ahem,” I cleared my throat to get their attention. Hanna looked up surprised to see me. “Sergeant Black, what brings you here?” Hanna asked, while Mitch held tight to his signature glare. “Didn’t Chief Edwards notify you that I would be stopping by?” “If he did, I forgot. It’s been a busy morning,” she apologized. “What can I help you with?” I made my way over to Hanna’s desk. I forego taking a seat. I plan on making this visit brief. “Firstly, your assistance isn’t for my personal benefit,” I explained. “It’s on behalf of the Wolfdale City Police Department.” “Great,” Mitch mumbled. “So am I supposed to leave again?” He complained, with his arms crossed. “No. I’m just asking Miss Grimm if she would be available to help us again. That’s it,” I find myself explaining again. “Of course, I’d be willing to help out,” Hanna quickly answered. “Just let me know when.” “Thank you,” I smiled at her. “Hopefully later today?” “I don’t have to work with Demon, I mean, Demi, do I?” Hanna questioned abruptly. I snorted. Great minds do think alike! “No, you don’t,” I reassured her. “Sergeant Black, what brings you back here to harass my teaching assistant?” a voice gruffly said behind me.
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