Chapter Ten

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During our time talking with Patrick, the forensic team meanwhile has gathered back at the Police station. It's been a long day for everyone. They began to pull the items collected and placed them in order of importance. The Medical Examiner's team sent over the victim's clothing to be analyzed along with the victim's nail clippings. Even though, tape rolls have been collected from the body there still could be trace evidence hiding among the clothing. The bag of narcotics was dusted for prints. Sometimes old school is still the best route. Film canisters are placed to be processed. Examining all the evidence can take a while, days to weeks, depending on what specific evidence we are looking for. Generally, we check the victim for toxicology, blood type, and anything else that bodily fluids can tell us. This is Dr. Jacobson's job. His team and our forensics team work together to try to discover how the victim died, and who is the one responsible for the victim's death. A print, from the narcotics bag, was found and sent digitally to the database. About forty minutes later, a match came back with the name Conner Tomas Knapelli. He's a known drug pusher around Wolfdale City. On the streets, he is only known as Bane. He has been brought in many times and many times has walked out without any convictions. One could consider him to be the “Teflon Don” of Wolfdale City. The damned lucky bastard. Conner T. Knapelli, according to his rap sheet, has light reddish hair, usually. Nowadays, I hear, he has been wearing half his natural hair color, and the other half is dyed purple. The only thing I can say about that is that it makes finding him easier. He is heterochromia—one iris is green and the other one is brown. He stands at six feet and one and a half inches. And walks with a slight limp with his right leg. However good of a find, this is, it is not enough to bring the bastard in for questioning. If we can match his blood to the splatter left at the scene, then we may have something to go on. In the meantime, Cass and I will just keep digging around to figure out why Peter Bryant, the victim, was at the notorious Roundhouse, to begin with. As soon as Cass and I exited the apartment complex, Patrick phoned Mitchell. He answered on the second ring. “Hey, where are you?” Patrick spat. “I'm still with Hanna,” Mitch quietly replied. “Yeah, well, lose her. I need you to get back here. Pete's dead.” “What?! Are you sure?” Mitch asked surprised. “I'll be there as soon as I can.” “Fine. Bye.” “Bye.” Hanna and Mitch were back at the University laboratory storage area, cleaning up the corroded mess together. Hanna and Mitch begin to enjoy each other's company. This is definitely a first for Hanna. She is also tired of being alone. “Everything okay?” Hanna questioned with concern. “Not really. I'm sorry to have to do this, but could we postpone our dinner date?” “It's not a problem. Anything wrong?” “My roommate's brother died.” “Which one?” “Pete,” Mitch answered rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “Huh? That's horrible. He was always kind and considerate. I loved reading his columns in the University paper. He's...was so talented. Too young.” Hanna commented sadly. “I can finish up here. It's still not a problem.” Hanna reassured Mitch. “I can make it home by myself. You don't need to come back here. I still have plenty of things to do before I can clock out anyways.” “Thanks,” Mitch said sadly turning away to leave Hanna alone. Shortly after Mitch left, Elizabeth Knight, a biology student on the “work-study” program comes into the laboratory to do her daily tasks. She is a model student in every way. She always attends every class on time, and she is always diligent in performing her “work-study” duties as well. While she is prepping the lab for today's assignments, Elizabeth remembered something important to tell Hanna. “Oh, I almost forgot. Dr. Frederickson would like to speak with you. It came across as a matter of great importance,” she stated with concern. “Erm, okay. How did you get notified on this?” asked Hanna. “There's been talk after you left with Coach Eye-Candy. I mean Coach Owens,” Elizabeth said embarrassing herself slightly. “Coach Eye-Candy? I'll have to ask him about that,” teased Hanna. “Thank you for telling me about Dr. Frederickson's request though. Will you be able to handle things while I'm gone?” “I should be. It's not like we're expected to create dark matter or something nefarious in first-year biology,” Elizabeth sarcastically said. Hanna just shook her head, rolled her eyes, and snickered at that statement. I guess eye-rolls are something that all females are fluent in? Who knew? Hanna made her way out of the lab, through the basement corridor, up three flights of stairs, down another long corridor passing many wooden doors of faculty offices before reaching the one that belonged to Dr. William Frederickson, Ph.D., Dean of the Biology Department. She reached her hand up shaking to knock on the door. This feels worst than being called into the principal's office in high school. Normally the door would be open to any faculty or staff member who has an issue, but it is late in the day, normal office hours are closed. “Yes? Who is it?” inquired an older female voice on the other side of the door. “Hanna Grimm, Ms. Smith. I was told that Dr. Frederickson needed to speak with me,” she replied back. “It's a matter of importance, I was told.” “Come in dear and take a seat, please. I'll let him know that you're here.” “Thank you,” Hanna smiled back nervously. She takes a seat and looks around the waiting area trying to calm her nerves. She is wondering what she could have done to warrant her being called to the Dean's office. With everything that has transpired today, her mind is mush. She'll know soon enough. Hanna sighs roughly. Looking to right on the side table is placed some late issues of National Geographic. Remembering Peter Bryant, brother to Professor Patrick Bryant, she thought about the dream, according to Pete, that the Bryant brothers would be the featured article in one of their magazines. That dream is officially a bust, now that Peter is no longer alive. It's truly devastating how some dreams can come quickly to an end. “Dr. Frederickson can see you now, Miss Grimm,” Ms. Smith stated startling Hanna out of her sorrowful thoughts. “Thank you, Ms. Smith,” she said. Hanna stood up from her chair and smooth any wrinkles down that her clothing may have gotten by sitting. She quickly but casually made her way to the Dean's partially opened door.
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