Chapter Thirteen

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I enter the forensics lab and notice everyone doing something to help identify who put our victim, Peter Bryant, in his current condition. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a small evidence bag laying on the floor close to the main table. It must have fallen during the rush of getting things sorted. I walk over and pick it up. I notice that it has some weight to it. Hopefully, something will turn up a solid lead for us. In the short time that I daydreamed, one of the forensics' minions stares daggers at me still holding on to the evidence bag. “I'll take that,” the minion snapped at me grabbing the bag out of my hand. “Okay,” I'm smart enough not to argue with her. “What are you doing in my work-space?” she snapped. “I just came down to see if there was any more progress with the evidence,” I stated in my defense. “No. You'll be notified when we find something of inquiry.” “Hmm, I see. Thank you,” I said turning back toward the hallway. “That was a complete waste of my time,” I grumble to myself as I take the stairs two at a time back up to the fourth floor. Back at my desk, Cass confirms the appointment with the Editor-in-Chief of the Chronicler, Lester Sims. Top guy, I wasn't expecting that. Go Cass. Lieutenant Isaiah Barton a detective in the narcotics department comes over to inform Cassidy and me of the background he was able to find on Peter Bryant. “So according to my findings, the kid's clean. No hinky monetary transactions. No past arrests or citations. I can't find even one parking violation,” he stated. “Why that bag of narcs was found on him is just part of the mystery, I suppose.” “Anything from Doc Jacobson on his toxicology report?” Cass inquired. “Nothing yet, but we should be getting his report sometime soon. I hope,” I interjected. “This hurry up and wait crap is getting annoying.” “And if it comes back clean?” Isaiah asked, “you know we can't pick up Knapelli just on the single fingerprint.” “Therein lies the problem. Those forensic minions are taking their sweet time with their findings,” I grumbled. “Minions, Micah? Really?” Cass said shaking her head. “What? It's how they act. They're elusive always hiding away down in the basement.” I try to defend myself. “They're not minions! They're scientists regulated to the most guarded place in the whole building,” the lieutenant corrected me. “Guarded by corpses via the morgue,” I muttered under my breath. “Besides, the equipment they have to work with is a little outdated. So that would add time to any accurate result we desire,” he continued. “They are doing the best with what they have to work with, as frustrating as it is on our end.” “So when should we head out to talk with Lester Sims?” I asked trying to change the subject. “Probably within the next few minutes,” Cass answered. “Good.” “I'll catch you two later,” Isiah remarked dismissing himself from our desk area. Last night, roughly around 12:01 am. Deep within the heavily wooded area of the running track for the cross country running team, an enormous wolf-like creature is running briskly past many of the trail/ game cameras that have been set up by the Biology Department. The creature shows off his prowess as he weaves his way through the trees and ground coverings. He has dark brown to almost black fur, save for one minuscule odd lighter color patch on his right shoulder. His presence is only recorded for a few seconds total, but long enough to cause a fuss in the Biology Department. Minutes before daybreak Hanna dressed in her warm hiking clothes makes her weekly rounds gathering up the memory cards from the trail/ game cameras from the assigned designated area. These get rotated out during the week. This is also her specific day to switch out her own trail/ game cameras memory cards. She has been monitoring a small pack of American Gray wolves that have been spotted in the area—safely located many miles away from human civilization. She keeps the GPS location to herself—for the pack's overall safety. This pack is led by an alpha male whom she named “Ze'ev” (wolf in Hebrew) and the alpha female “Susi” (wolf in Finnish) his mate. While in college a short time back, Ze'ev was brought into the veterinarian school for emergency treatment. Sadly, none of the veterinarian students wanted to deal with “wildlife” and asked for volunteers from the Biology department to assist in his care. Hanna was the only one that Ze'ev would permit to treat him. After Ze'ev healed, Hanna worked with him to get him in shape to be released back into the wild. He was barely a one-year-old when he was brought in. Hanna succeeded with his release. The dissertation for her Ph.D. is based on Ze'ev's life from the time he was found, treated, and trained at the veterinarian college, and released into the wild, to his current success as a pack leader. It's been a long journey for both Ze'ev and Hanna. They share a special bond. The morning mist hangs low within the lush floor. Fronds from ferns and tall stalks from various flowering flora poke out above the cloud. The dense forest is eerily quiet this morning. The chill only adds to it. Hanna carefully steps over fallen tree trunks and moss-covered rocks to reach her destination—Ze'ev's pack territory. From within a dark hole barely noticeable from the greenery hiding it a low and warning growl is heard. The kind that stands one's hair on end. Two amber-colored eyes shine from within the blackness of the hole. Hanna recognizes the growl and the eyes looking her way. It's Ze'ev. “Ze'ev, it's me. Hanna,” she spoke in a soft reassuring voice. “I won't be long. Just switching out the cards again.” Ze'ev slowly emerges from his den. His beautiful saddle-back fur is on end. His amber eyes locked on the intruder. His ears were alert to any danger. He sniffs the air cautiously. He recognizes Hanna's scent. He relaxes just a little. He's always on alert. “What's the matter Ze'ev? What's gotten you so on edge this morning?” Hanna inquired not really expecting an answer. He is a wolf after all.
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