Chapter Fifty-Two

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“Will you please let me try to establish the TOD first before you go asking about oddities?” Doc Jacobson hollered back to Roger. Turning to Dr. Noah Davidson, his assistant, whispered, “How’d he know about that?” Noah could only shrug. “I’ll make sure to get a photo of that,” Noah stated, holding the ME’s camera. “My guess is that she died a couple of days ago, on the full moon,” Roger butted in, spouting off his opinion. No matter how good of a detective he seems to be, he’s still Roger. Our resident "pain in the ass". “Ah, but that’s where your wrong, detective,” Doc Jacobson began to correct Roger. “The full moon was technically last night.” “Detective Oren, will you please leave the Medical Examiners to do their jobs,” Captain Winston stepped in to break up the banter. “I’m sure other evidence will surface to corroborate any findings. How about you look for those?” Doc Jacobson mouthed “Thank you” to Captain Winston. Noah Davidson did his best to hide the snicker, but it didn’t work. Gilbert Jacobson slapped Noah upside the back of his head. Gibbs-style. After looking around the crime scene, Cassidy came up with a few questions on her own and joined George in interviewing the property owners. “I noticed that there are two young kids. Don’t goats usually have their babies in the spring?” she asked. “Normally,” the farmer’s wife answered. “We were “gifted” the mama mysteriously.” She used air quotes in a sarcastic manner. “One day, she just showed up here. Ready to give birth at any moment.” “None of the veterinarian students or professors would even look at her. Had to have a biologist look the poor thing over,” the farmer said. “She was a pretty little thing.” His wife gave him a swift jab in his ribs with her elbow. “That biologist lady certainly knows her animals,” the farmer’s wife stated in admiration of Hanna Grimm’s work. “No other signs of strange activities going on?” Cass asked. While at the hospital, she heard rumors of a large animal being spotted in the woods off of the main campus near the Biology building. “What exactly do you mean by strange?” the farmer asked, scratching his whiskers. “Any large unusual looking...” Cass began before getting cut off by George. “Detective Peterson, how does that particular question relate to the case?” he addressed my partner. I think Cass has been hanging around Roger for too long. “What? I heard some chatter at the hospital earlier. I was curious,” she explained nonchalantly. “Please, ignore that last question,” George said, taking back control of the interview. “It has been a long day for all of us. Thank you for your cooperation in this case. If you think of anything else that could be useful, please don’t hesitate to contact one of us.” George handed the farmers his business card and shook both their hands. Meanwhile, Wolfdale City University Hospital Room #526... As Tiffeny and I were watching over Rocky, she had him coloring some drawings. Yeah, so it was Tiffeny actually doing the babysitting, not me. The afternoon sun shone its rays through the window, giving Rocky and my mate a beautiful halo effect. Is that me or the pain medication? Before Thomas came to pick him up, Rocky handed me a homemade get-well card. I will treasure this item forever. How can one simple act make a big alpha wolf become a toasted marshmallow? The wetness forming at the corners of my eyes stung, as they threatened to fall. I tried in vain to blink them away...and failed. My beautiful mate gently wiped them away for me. Watching her and Rocky together, I can’t help but think about how she would make a wonderful mother to my pups. I just hope she is okay with that idea. Sometime later, I must have dozed off. Hanna walked into my room bringing Tiffeny’s things for her. A tall man--his shoulder-length platinum blonde hair pulled back neatly into a ponytail and dressed in a long dark emerald suit jacket--followed behind Hanna with more of my mate’s belongings. It occurred to me who this man was and he also had recognized me. He had a look of abhorrence and shock on his face and in his eyes. I’m sure I reciprocated the same look. “Hanna, I’ll be out in the hall if you need me for anything,” he quickly spoke to Hanna and left in the same manner. She nodded to his statement, having a look of confusion in her eyes. How the hell does he know Hanna? This isn’t good. That man nor his kind should ever be trusted! What the hell is going on in this city?! I need to get out of here and back to work. Tiffeny, seeing my distress, rushed to my side to calm me down. She’s confused about my agitated behavior. “Who is he, Hanna?” I forced out. She obviously isn’t aware of how dangerous he is. “My Uncle Mac, why?” she answered so innocently. I’m scoffing on the inside. “The “herbalist”?” Yeah, I used them—the air quotes. I know what he is and it’s sure as hell, not that. “Certified herbalist,” she corrected me, seemingly offended by my questions. “Mike, calm down, please,” Tiffeny gently urged me. “He’s Hanna’s former foster father, for goodness sake.” “Foster father,” I mouthed to myself. Well, f*ck, that complicates things. Back at the crime scene... George, having completed the initial interview, found Roger. He had a hunch that Roger would have the Blackwater Security company’s phone number on speed dial. The footage would greatly help with the investigation. “Of course, I do, Cole even gave me a direct number,” Roger bragged. “Cole?” George questioned the informality with much skepticism. Hell, I would too. “Fine. See if you can get the footage we need...the sooner the better.” “On it,” Roger said. Within minutes, Roger was indeed chatting up with Cole Grayson like they were old friends. While he was on the phone, Roger wandered too close to the nearly week-old kids. Mama goat quickly took action to protect her young. She head-butted Roger right in his ass, sending him forward. He landed face-first onto a straw pile. Bits of straw flew in every direction. You could hear Cole laughing loudly at the other end of the phone. “Thanks...a...a lot,” Roger sputtered between pulling out the straw from his mouth. “Let me guess, you watched that in real-time?” “Yep...I’ll send you the footage over in a couple of hours,” Cole promised as he continued to snicker. “Thanks, I’ll be looking for it,” Roger said. George and Cass offered to help Roger stand. He gladly accepted their assistance.

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