Chapter 77

2005 Words

“I want you to straight up to Aberdeen,” Mackay said as his fingers tapped a tattoo on his desk. “There"s been a murder there.” Watters" interest heightened at once. “Is it the same pattern as ours, sir?” “That"s for you to ascertain, Watters. The victim was n***d, so maybe so. Just get yourself up there and find out.” Mackay looked up. “We"re clutching at straws here.” “Do the people in Aberdeen know I"m coming, sir?” “I"ve telegraphed them,” Mackay said. “The local police will have a man to meet you at the station.” He checked his clock. “You"d better hurry, Watters. Your train leaves in fifteen minutes.” The train took Watters right into the heart of Aberdeen, where a local detective met him even before the clouds of steam dissipated from the platform. “Watters? I"m Michie. I heard

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