Chapter 54

985 Words

"That"s one way to get out of your duty!" Watters sat at the side of Silver"s bed. "He could have been killed." Angela sounded accusing. "I wasn"t, though. That Russian fellow missed." Silver looked very pale as he lay under the sheets. Angela touched the bandage on his shoulder. "That wasn"t a miss." "He missed anything that mattered," Silver amended. "Except your head," Watters said, "and that"s too dense to hurt." "Oh it hurts all right," Silver said. Angela squeezed his hand. "I thought you were dead," Watters broke an extended silence. Angela looked away. There was the sharp clicking of a nurse"s feet on the floor. "Is the case all solved now, George?" It was Silver"s turn to break the silence. "Were we right?" "It was as we worked out," Watters said. "With a few difference

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