Chapter 52

4834 Words

Watters swore: "Karin!" Karin hauled herself upright, holding onto her arm. She shouted something in German, said, "I"m all right!" and moved, half running, half hopping, toward the back of the house. "Sergeant Watters!" Watters had forgotten about Arthur, who now ran diagonally past him and tried to clamber up the garden wall. The dapper Russian stepped forward and hauled him down. Watters hesitated, torn between checking on Silver and ensuring that Karin was safe, between friendship and duty, between his old companion and a woman in need. He swore, glanced back at Markovic who was sauntering toward him casually reloading his revolver as the dapper Russian and Yellowford moved behind Karin. "Your companion Silver is dead," Markovic said as he clicked shut the revolver. "I put one thro

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