Chapter 23

5956 Words

"That"s not good," Ted said. "And us without our main armament." "Do we fight?" Watters wondered. "What with?" Ted asked. "You men! Stand ready!" Commander Black ordered. "Ready for what?" Watters asked, without receiving a reply. "Put about! Full speed!" The order from the quarterdeck was distinct as Alexander MacGillivray used her twin screws to turn sharply before the Federal warship could fire. White smoke jetted out, and tall fountains of water rose from the exact spot where Alexander MacGillivray had been only minutes before. Alexander MacGillivrayAlexander MacGillivray"Good shooting," Ted sounded laconic, "but she won"t catch us." The Federal warship fired again, the shots screaming overhead to raise more waterspouts a quarter of a mile away. Commander Black ran aft with a Sh

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