Chapter 18

3044 Words

James Gall had come up trumps with a solid, if slow, vessel with a short foredeck and single mast. "Her name is Grace, and she"s as seaworthy as you"ll get," Gall had said, "even for a landsman to take out." Grace"I"ll take care of her," Watters promised. "You"re limping," Gall said. "You might not be fit to sail." "I"ll get local help," Watters said. "You"ll be lucky." Gall did not pursue the conversation. "Ten shillings a day." "That"s very steep," Watters said. "Two and sixpence and you"re still cheating me." "Seven and six and that"s my final offer. What if you steal it? Or capsize?" "I"m a police officer," Watters reminded. "That"s what I mean. What if you steal my boat?" "Three shillings and you"re lucky to get that much," Watters said. Now, Grace was sitting a few miles s

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