Chapter Fourteen One morning prior to milking, Gina heard a familiar voice in the barn. Daddy had returned! “She’s made good progress,” Bobby told him. “I’ve held off milking her so you can watch.” Bobby led Gina to a platform for Ward’s examination. Ward examined her huge misshapen n*****s and rigidly engorged breasts. “Beautiful!” Gina rippled with apprehension when Ward’s fingers stroked the long bruises. But Bobby was matter-of-fact. “We had one incident. After that she was fine.” With pride, Gina felt the milk she had made for Daddy gush into the pump. This time, after her feeding Bobby washed her face. He snapped a lead onto her harness and handed it to Ward. Ward led her from the barn, still naked, on all fours and into a small, closed horse trailer attached to his car. Gina r