Chapter Fifty Four

1202 Words

Heather POV Sitting in the car as we headed back to the castle, I was deep in thought, when I suddenly realized Mason was talking to me, and I picked up the bit about eight am and remembered our date to let our wolves out for a run. I was so relieved that we were still going to have the run and picnic. I was so worried now that I was moving in, that our date would be canceled and all our plans changed. I so want to find a routine. I don’t like not having a plan. Glad we were talking and acting like everything was normal and that my life had not taken another huge change. I hoped Mum and Dad would cope without me at home. I did a lot with the business and just stuff around the pack, and I was not sure if I could just get up and go and help as I had planned. I was trying so hard to hold

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