Chapter 2

851 Words
“Mate.” The moment she heard that word, Amelia felt her heartbeats stop. She was the Alpha’s daughter, but she never got her wolf. Theoretically speaking, it was impossible for her to find a mate. That’s one of the reasons why she was so touched when Ian asked her to marry him. Even after her 18th birthday, Amelia still couldn’t shift. Except for her parents, all her packmates mocked her and questioned her true identity. Someone even gossiped about her being an adopted human. Only Ian stood by her determinedly and told her he would marry her no matter what. Amelia indeed felt happy and lucky by then. After Ian’s proposal, she completely forgot about the mate thing. Back then, she thought nothing in the world could compete with the love between her and Ian, not to mention “the mate” which was so far and distant from her like a myth. But now she indeed felt it. Even though she couldn’t move, speak, or even blink her eyes. She felt something different was approaching her from her back. No footsteps, just light breaths. Amelia heard that someone or something walked into the living room slowly and steadily. He stopped behind her wheelchair first, sniffing her scent carefully, and then walked into Amelia’s eyesight at an extremely low pace. It was not a man, but a wolf, a huge scary grey wolf with a blind left eye. The moment Amelia saw him, her heart sunk to the bottom. She wasn’t disappointed by the wolf’s appearance but was scared by his identity. Amelia recognized him to be the notorious rogue Alpha, Darren, and she knew he was her pack’s biggest enemy. Two years ago, right before her wedding with Ian, Darren launched an attack on her pack and killed half of her packmates. That’s the main reason why her father moved their pack here to live with humans. Since then, Amelia had never heard from Darren again. She had no idea why he suddenly appeared in her apartment, and she had no idea why he suddenly addressed her as his mate either. “Mate,” After circling her wheelchair for a few rounds to check her status, the big scary wolf sat in front of Amelia. He looked into her empty eyes with his lonely green eye. And then he growled that word to her once again. Amelia had no idea what finding her mate would feel like. She knew from others’ experience that she might smell the most amazing scent from him. But now, she felt nothing and smelt nothing. She had no idea how this scary big wolf verified her as his mate. Yet, the wolf waited for her response. He stared at her, whispering and insisting, “Mate, mine…” but Amelia was unable to answer. After minutes of long, desperate silence. The wolf finally accepted the fact that she wasn’t going to speak. He lowered his eyelids with a grieved sigh, and then moved a step forward to put his big head on her thighs. It was surprisingly warm, soft, and gentle. The moment they touched each other, Amelia felt sparkles. All those pains, despair, and fears which filled her heart were swept away. Amelia wanted to cry, but this time, it was because of the happiness which abruptly welled up from the bottom of her heart. “Mate.” She had no idea how this could be happening, but she whispered in her mind to respond to him, feeling sad that she wasn’t able to touch him. The wolf must have had the same feeling to her. He whimpered in her embrace, rubbing her stomach gently with the top of his head. “I am so sorry,” he groaned, and his voice was hoarse, “That bastard Ian set me up. I can’t shift for now, so I can’t take you out of here. But wait for me, mate,” he l/icked Amelia’s cold hand gently to offer her some comfort, “I am going to let that bastard pay for what he did to you. And I will help you recover,” his throat growled with anger. Amelia felt genuinely happy at the moment. She wasn’t thrilled because the wolf promised revenge for her, but because he didn’t ditch her even after finding out she was now basically a dead person. The endless tor/ment Ian applied to her during the past six months had extinguished all the hopes inside her. Amelia now had no strength to seek revenge, anger, or even help. She just wished the gentle warmth beside her hands could linger. Don’t leave. Don’t go. Don’t leave me here alone in despair. Amelia cried and begged so hard in her mind for her mate to stay with her, but after the desperately short-term cuddle, the wolf stood up from the floor. “Wait for me, mate,” he leaned forward to her emotionless rigid face, and then caressed her cold cheeks gently with his warm, consoling fur. Amelia heard him sigh bitterly beside her ear. And it was filled with despair…
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