Chapter 1, Not a ordinary night

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-Audrey’s POV It was a frigid type of cold out. The type of cold that feels like it's bitting you and has ice spikes in the air. The temperature was only about 30 so not too bad, but everything was freezing. I really should have pulled over in the last town and gotten a room for the night. I have been driving half the day and just wanted to get home. I'm still about 9 hours away. It was a long trip but worth it. I haven't seen Janet my old friend in so long. I just couldn't pass up this opportunity. She was traveling and going to be a day and a half away. There was no way that I could not go and see her when she was that close. I wish we lived closer to each other. For the 2 days we had together she packed in as many activities as possible. I think I need a vacation from my little vacation. I'm so exhausted! I can barely stay awake enough to stay on the road but this isn't the safest place to pull over. It turned into a dirt road about half an hour ago. A very bumpy dirt road. Now my back hurts and I feel bad for this old truck of mine. I love this little thing it's so reliable even with all of its rust spots and poor suspension. I really should have checked the map. I know better then this. I shouldn't rely on MapQuest. It is always sending me on the worst roads! Why did I not look better instead of following my phone blindlessly. Ahh ... I never learn my lesson. I hate it when other people just go by GPS but then I do the same thing. I can tell this used to be a good road but it has been slowly growing in over the years and now it's to narrow for me to turn around. I'll get stuck. I do have a truck so i could drive off the road to turn but the woods are so thick and I can barely see anything it's so dark. My only choice is to keep going I'll get to another road soon and I do know that this road is supposed to meet up with Jonson AVE which goes to 65. So not lost just bad decisions late at night in the middle of nowhere. I got this. “Just keep going. Just keep going" As I'm singing my favorite kid song instead of keeping going I notice that I'm actually going slower and slower and then I hear it. The dreaded sound of the engine quit on me. “My old reliable friend don't stop now, not hear.” - William POV What a wonderful night. A bit cold but I am hot blooded and the cold air is nice when we are on patrol. Damien is in charge because I never know when I can get to go. That and he is the best at this kind of stuff. Always thinking in battle plans even when watching TV or eating lunch. That's why I made him head of our war department. I haven't ever met anyone better at strategic planning. Patrol is normally boring to most, just another exercise that has to but done, but I love to go. I think it's because I get to run with my pack and enjoy myself. It also always helps me to clear my head and not be the one in charge for once! Occasionally we find a rouge or someone that is lost but rarely do we ever have any from another pack without warning. Our home is safe. Dad taught me to always be a peacemaker and only fight when it's necessary. A life is a precious thing and not something that should be taken lightly when and if possible. Because of his teachings we get along with most other packs. Tonight the only thing I came across was a few scared deer but could hear though the pack link that the others saw a truck driving down the old road. It's rare that anyone goes on that road especially this late at night but as long as they don't stop it's fine. It is a legal road so I can't stop people from using it. Everyone knows to be careful around it. We don't want to be seen in our wolf forms and some human decides that they need to go on a hunt for trophy wolf's. It's happened in the past. I was the last one to go back in for the night. I told the guys that I would stay a little longer to make sure the truck left our territory without any problems and could use some alone time to in the woods. I took the opportunity to just run. I love the feeling of being free out hear and using all my strength to speed through the night, dodging trees jumping over logs, the feel of the cold ground beneath my paws. It feels good to use my body after being behind a desk all day. I was careful not to get too close to the road to be seen I was mostly keeping an eye out but following there scent and feeling there presence. I didn't think they would stop so I got lost in my own thoughts. There is always so much going on. Dad wants to retire so he has been giving me more and more responsibility and it's a lot to learn. I have always wanted to take over as Alpha but didn't realize how much there was to do! He always made it look so easy. I just hope that one day I'll be as good as him. A loud bang echoed through the air. It brought me back to my sinuses and out of my head. I quickly changed direction and ran to where I last heard the truck and where the sound came from. I shouldn't have gone so far. I should have payed more attention or kept my eyes on it. I should already know what caused the sound and been on top of it. As I approach the scene I take a deep breath and calm myself down. Being angry at myself will not help now. I have to be careful not to be seen it could be a enemy but mostly they are just a human. Ducked down behind a log I can see the truck has stopped in the middle of the road and has its hood up. It must have broken down. Well this is not a good place for that. Yes people can use the road because it's a legal road but they can't stay in my territory! They are not welcome hear.

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