
Banished By My Mate Damon Jr & Serenity

single mother

Banished By My Mate Damon Jr and Serenity

"You're late." I heard a deep voice from behind me making me jump.

"I-I was at work." His face held annoyance.

"Don't let it happen again. Follow me"

"Where are we going?" I asked. "To my hangout spot. Now stop asking questions."

Gosh hes a jerk. The 'hangout spot' was a 1 story cabin in the woods it was beautiful. I followed him to a room with a big bed, TV and dresser.

"Get undressed... now!"

"I-I don't want to do this Damon." I whispered while looking at the ground, he made me nervous and I had a habit of stuttering when I was nervous or scared.

"Did I ask you what you wanted?.. Now do it before I take them off myself. I hope you have nothing planned because were going to be here for a while." Moon Goddess please help me I said to myself.

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Banished By My Mate Damon Jr and Serenity
Banished By My Mate Damon Jr and Serenity Prologue Serenity I was doing my homework in the forest like I did everyday since moving here a month ago. I heard a growl from behind me and I jumped in fear. I turned around to see a huge black wolf. He shifted and I gasped. It was the hot guy from my math class and he was naked, I quickly turned my head. “What are you doing on my land?” He asked while glaring at me. “I-I was just doing my homewo-” He sniffed the air and his eyes darkened. “You're a rogue?” He growled. My wolf and I both cowered in fear. We were weak and we knew that. “Get out of here! Leave my land and never come back.” “But I have family here.” I cried. “I don't care.” “But we're ma-” “Don't even finish that sentence. We.Are.Not mates. Look at you. What pathetic excuse of a wolf needs glasses and wolves aren't supposed to be fat. For God's sake look at your clothes!” “Bu-” “Get out of here!” He yelled through gritted teeth. “Please I’ll have no where to go.” He pinched the bridge of his nose then looked down at me. “I'll let you stay because we're mates but if you cause trouble or admit to anyone that we're mates you're gone.” “OK.” I whispered before gathering my things and running home. “Where the hell have you been? Get in there and fix me dinner... Useless just like your mom.” My dad said while shaking his head. God I missed my mom. Her forest green eyes and blonde hair, she looked just like a model and always smelled like flowers. She had the best garden in the neighborhood. She always wanted to open a shop she said she would name it after me. Everyone loved her. She was always willing to help with a smile on her face. That's when everything was okay. When we were a happy family, that's until he took it away and made my dad an empty shell of a person. I opened my locket and smiled. It was a picture of me, my mom and dad the day I was born they were so happy. I sighed, one more year and I'm out of here. I'm tired of leaving every time that we get settled in and I’m tired of living in fear, my dad should love me instead of getting drunk and beating me. The next day I was doing my homework in my favorite spot again, he told me not to tell any one or cause trouble. I growled in confusion, how can he treat me like this I'm his mate. I wouldn't expect any thing less I mean it's me. I have the worst luck in the world. I shifted and walked around for a few like I did everyday before going home, or hell in other words. I stopped at the lake to get a drink after wards I shifted back to get dressed. I heard a growl and turned around. There stood my mate in all of his naked glory. He stalked towards me and I became afraid, plus I was naked. I tried to run behind a tree but he growled again. “Don't move! MINE!” He said while trailing kisses down my neck. “Wh-What are you doing?” He ignored me and pushed me to the ground then got on top of me. “No I'm not ready for this.” I cried. “Too bad, you're mine and I can do whatever I please to you.” My eyes went wide as saucers when he slammed into me. I screamed from the pain, it felt like I was being torn in half. I cried the whole time. When he was done he looked down at me with so much hatred I cowered back. “Tell no one of this rogue.” How could he say that after what he just did to me. “Bu-” “But nothing. If you say a word I will throw you in the dungeon where you belong. Or I could just throw you out of my territory so I wont have to worry about you again. Meet me here tomorrow around the same time, you may not be easy on the eyes but you’re one hell of a lay.” I nodded my head and sat there in a ball crying. My mate didn't want me and on top of that I was basically his s*x slave, I have the worst luck ever. This is not how I imagined losing my virginity. I wanted it to be special and with a mate who loved me, not in the forest in the grass. I wiped my tears and stood up on shaky legs. I winced when I got dressed and started to walk home. I looked at my watch and nearly cried when I saw the time, my dad was going to kill me. Damon I hated rogues, especially after I learned what that one did to my mom she still has the scar. If that piece of scum was still alive I would make him suffer. My mom thinks that I’m going to apologize for rejecting my mate, well I didn’t exactly reject her I just didn’t accept her. She's a f*cking fat nerd, a rogue and why would I give up my life for one woman? Me and my brother are next in line for King, I get any girl I want anytime I want her. I had the perfect life until she showed up and screwed it all up. I must admit she is a good lay, the best I’ve ever had. I got hard just thinking about it I couldn’t wait until tomorrow. “Damon did you make up with your mate?” My mom asked when I walked into the kitchen. I smiled. “Yes mom I just left her.” “OK well I expect to see her at dinner one day this week.” She beamed. My mom has been worrying me and Damien about finding a mate, something about grand kids. She is delusional, Damien might want that but I don’t. Maybe in ten years I’m only 18. Serenity I opened the door and tried not to make noise. I cried out and fell when a fist came in contact with my cheek. “Where the he'll have you been? Why isn't my dinner ready?” He yelled in my face. “I-I was doing homework I had a project to finish.” “Why do you smell like a man? His scent is all over you.” “I-He was my partner.” “After all that I do for you. I keep a roof over your head, feed you, cloth you and all I ask for is a clean house, get good grades, stay away from boys and dinner on the table when I get off of work. You can't even do that you're useless but you’re going to pay today” “Wh-What does that mean?” The door bell rang and my dad smirked. “Go get cleaned up and come straight down here.” I nodded and did what he said. I don't know why he treats me this way I miss the sweet side of my dad. I sighed and walked in the living room. “Ah here she is.” My dad said while smiling at me. “She's a beauty Garrett.” The man said slurring, he was drunk already. “Go! You get an hour.” “Dad what's going on?” “You be a good girl and do what he says and don't screw this up I need this promotion.” “Please dad!” I begged. He held his hand up signaling me to shut up. An hour later I sat in the shower crying, I can't believe this! My dad pimped me out for a job promotion. Thinking of his boss had me shivering in disgust. His balding hair, pop belly and beer breath made want to gag. After crying in the shower for hours I got out and went to my room. This was the worst day of my life, getting raped by my mate and then some old pervert the Moon Goddess must really hate me! I looked in the mirror my eyes were red and puffy from crying and I had a hand print from where he slapped me. Damon was right, I am pathetic. My long brown hair needed to be cut and I still don’t know why I need glasses I am a wolf. I put on my pajamas and got in bed I sighed and finally fell asleep. I was woken up by my lovely dad banging on the door and telling me to get the hell up for school. I put on my skinny jeans, t-shirt and oversized sweater. I threw on my converse, grabbed my book bag and ran out the door. It took me 15 minutes to get to school. I ran to my locker and got to class in record time. I sat in my usual seat in the right back corner, I took out my notebook and started to draw. I loved drawing it helps me relax. I didn't even notice the class filling up until I looked around. Then he entered the room surrounded by his usual followers. I couldn't lie he was hot as hell. His dark hair was ruffled like he ran his hands through it a thousand times. His shirt clung to his muscles and he was tall, very tall around 6'3, I looked like a child compared to him standing at 5'2. He caught me looking and I blushed. When I looked back up he was glaring at me. I really don't know what I did to make him hate me so much. After math class was over I was walking to science when I was yanked in the supply closet. “What's going on? Please don't hurt me.” “I'm not going to hurt you, did you tell anyone about us?” “No.” “Then how does my sister know that I rejected you?” “I don’t know. I have no friends here it's just me and my dad.” “I didn’t ask for your pathetic life story.” He sneered. “I'll see you later and don't be late you don't want to piss me off more than I already am.” He glared at me before storming out. I took a deep breath and picked up my things. Thanks to him I was late for science. “Nice of you to join us Ms Mayors.” “I'm sorry.” I said while rushing to my seat some of the students snickered and my face flamed up. We took our quiz and she gave us the rest of the period to do what we wanted, I chose to read a mystery novel. I've always wanted to be a detective but people said I was too nice of a person and that I wouldn't be able to interrogate anyone because I'm too sensitive. I planned differently after that, I want to become a social worker I want to help kids in need so none of them would have to go through what I do. I also planned to open the flower shop that my mom and I wanted. My future was looking bright, I just needed to escape my dad. The bell rang signaling the end of the day. I was so happy I couldn't wait to leave. It was Friday meaning no school for the weekend. It was still early, I only had 5 classes. 2 one day and 3 the next day so I decided to get a part time job. I worked as a cashier in the local grocery store. I had to beg for my job because no one wanted to hire a rogue, it made them nervous but I assured them that I wouldn't cause any problems. I was saving up for college, I knew my scholarship wouldn't cover everything so I needed all the money I could get. Time flew by fast which I didn't like because I wasn't looking forward to meeting him in the forest but I didn't want to piss him off. "You're late." I heard a deep voice from behind me making me jump. "I-I was at work." His face held annoyance. "Don't let it happen again. Follow me" "Where are we going?" I asked. "To my hangout spot. Now stop asking questions." Gosh he's such a jerk. The 'hangout spot' was a one story cabin in the woods it was beautiful. I followed him to a room with a big bed, TV and dresser. "Get undressed... Now!" "I-I don't want to do this Damon." I whispered while looking at the ground. He made me nervous and I had a habit of stuttering when I was nervous or scared. "Did I ask you what you wanted?.. Now do it before I take them off myself. I hope you have nothing planned because we're going to be here for a while." Moon Goddess please help me I said to myself.

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