Chapter 10

1810 Words

Gabriella felt her heart pound in her ears as her body began to shake. Her eyes stung as tears burned, welling up. Wanting to puke, throat constricting; she gulped, gasped, the ice pack that she still had pressed against her hand, dropping to the floor and echoing across the room. Raith jerked. His scarlet eyes pieced the distance between them; horror flashed across his face. He choked out her name; the word was muffled as if her ears had been stuffed with cotton. Jealousy was an ugly adversary that turned everything cold. Gabriella turned and ran, tears breaking free and spilling over her cheeks as she darted through the halls. Finding herself back in the kitchen, her eyes darted for Myung but he wasn’t there. Her heart crashed against her chest as a sob broke from her throat. What

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