Chapter 3

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    Myung met her and Raith at the top of the porch veranda, the same place he had stood when she first met him. Amused, she wondered if it were Myung’s perch. When they began climbing the stone steps, the Day Watcher quickly moved to the front door and opened it for them with a curt bow. Once inside, Raith stared at the Myung, who in turn gave his king his absolute attention.  After nearly a minute of looking at each other, Myung nodded and turned to Gabriella, offering his arm.      “My lady, please come with me to the kitchen. I am sure you are hungry,” he smiled.     After a tender squeeze, Raith let go of her hand. Gabriella’s lips pursed as she looked to Raith; the red had left his eyes returning them to their unique blazing blue.      “I’ll see you before I leave. Right now, I need to go prepare for work,” he said, taking a small step away from her. When he made even that small distance between them, an uneasiness gripped her.        “Ok,” she croaked. He was the only one in this place she felt any connection, which seemed to pull at her heart the more he retreated up the large staircase.      “So, what does my Queen enjoy eating?”     Distraught, she murmured. “Please, Myung. Just call me Gabriella.” Noticing his arm still awaiting her, she laced her hand in the crook of his elbow. He patted her hand as they began to walk; the empathetic look he issued coated some of the anxiety.      “Absolutely, as you wish.” He nodded. “What would Queen Gabriella like to eat?”      “Aren’t you a tipo gracioso- funny guy?”       He shrugged. “I crack myself up often.”     The kitchen fit the house perfectly in both elegance and utility. Colored in whites and grays, it looked immaculately bright as well as enormous. Truly, the stainless steel appliances greeted them with a sparkling wink. The gourmet-styled room was equipped with multiple ovens, refrigerators and rows of cabinets and shelves with wood or glass facades.  A breakfast nook with a circular wooden table and four chairs nestled near the room’s three large bay windows. Two double glass doors looked like it led out onto an exterior porch. Myung led her to the large white and black marbled island, sitting her down in a tall, cushioned bar chair.      “I know you just woke up an hour ago, but it’s basically dinnertime for humans. So, do you want dinner for breakfast or are you in a dinner-y mood.”       “I am afraid to make you touch anything in here. It’s so clean.”     He snickered. “Well, ya, it doesn’t get used much here, as you can guess why.” Myung gabbed at the fridge to his left over his shoulder. “That is really only the thing that gets any play in here, but it’s not the one for you, yet, unless you want a fridge full of blood bags.”      Her eyes widened when she realized what he meant. “So, no one here, like, Jack Ripper’s people for food.”     Myung grimaced, obviously not wanting to go into detail. “Well, warm and adrenaline packed blood is best and most preferred, sure. So, the fridge smoothies are mainly for emergencies.” He then added. “Our clan isn’t the Jack Ripper stalker type. We have a bit more class.”     “Fridge smoothie. Really? That’s what it’s called?” She stuck out her tongue.     Myung shrugged. “Gotta keep it 21st century, right?” He leaned on the island, both arms outstretched, hands pressing on the cool surface. “So, what’s on your menu, though?”     “You cook?”     He laughed, “For myself, mainly. It will be fun cooking for another human, believe me. Trying to make something fancy isn’t fun when it’s just me. So, I have sometimes resorted to pop-tarts.” He shook his head and sighed. “Now, I hate pop-tarts.”     She giggled at his confession. “Well, we’ll need to Betty Crocker this kitchen up.”     “Betty’s got nothing on me. I said I don’t cook many gourmet meals, but it doesn’t mean I can’t.” He winked. “Steak? Chicken? Pork?” He saw her expression dim and quickly added. “Ugh- don’t tell me you’re a veggie-yuck-itarian.”     “No!” then “At least, I don’t think so. Sorry Myung- I’m just not feelin’ it.” Gabriella’s eyes longingly floated to the kitchen’s archway entrance. She could barely see the grand staircase leading upstairs and to where he had fled to. Raith seemed so upset at the shore after she had offered herself to him. She hadn’t understood what possessed her to do that. Wasn’t he a stranger?      No- he’s not a stranger. He’s your Beloved.     Everything felt so foreign and confusing, yet also so familiar.     Myung followed her gaze, frowning a little in understanding, but then brightened. “If you don’t eat, I’ll be impaled by his Highness and fed to the Princess. He said I needed to make sure you ate. Please don’t seal my fate.”     “They would eat you?” she asked over her shoulder.     “If they were hungry enough, pissed enough, bored enough, I suppose?”     While Gabriella watched the entrance, a brunette woman entered and paused. Her striking blue eyes were wide as if she needed to take in every detail she was staring at, and that thing seemed to be Gabriella. Her exquisite appeal screamed vampire, although her very casual attire of trendy ripped jeans, platform-suede boots, white tank top, and fashionable salmon-colored overcoat would have her blend within the human society without worry.      "Oh wow! Oh wow! Oh wow!” She covered her mouth as she entered the kitchen, walking, pausing, walking, pausing, her way over to them. She had a slight accent, but it was different from Raith’s.       Myung immediately bowed. “Lady Salome. Honored that you have joined us.”     A slight glance to Myung was about all she sacrificed. “Serafina?!”     As the woman approached, Gabriella felt a heaviness shroud her brain. She squinted to force herself back to any sense of normal, but not before something strange happened. Lady Salome’s clothes blurred and changed. Suddenly she was in a Victorian decorative dress of pink satin and white lace. Her hair was up in a lavish bun cascading in toffee ringlets about her peakish beige heart-shaped face.      When Gabriella blinked hard, the woman’s attire shifted back to what she had seen at first. She shook her head quickly, but then regretted it. The feeling of heaviness flushed, but it was replaced by a slight throb.      Myung spoke quickly. “Lady Salome, this is Queen Gabriella.”     Lady Salome waved him off. She then said, “Queen Gabriella. Right. But it's just so... remarkable.” She grabbed Gabriella’s arms, her icy fingers another testament of the creature she was, as she scrutinized her further. Gabriella squirmed a little under Lady Salome’s microscope. “He actually did it.”     Confused, she asked. “Did what?”     Salome balked as Gabriella spoke. “That’s a little different. And your eyes. Amazing. How green.”          Myung interrupted again. “Lady Salome, our Queen has just awakened and is very confused about things.” His words stressed. “We were just about to have something to eat.”           Lady Salome released her. “Oh! So sorry.” She clasped her hands in front.  “I’m sorry. How rude of me.”           Gabriella tilted her head, pressing her mind to recollect anything, but it offered nothing. Except, just for a millisecond, the dress of pink and lace pervaded. She tried to seize the image, but it dodged any attempt. Maybe it was just her irrational imagination. Like Myung said, she did indeed wake up disoriented. And then the roller-coaster moment with Raith. It was all just a rush of everything.        “It’s ok. It seems though… We knew each other well? I’m sorry I can’t remember you right now.”     "Yes, we did.” Lady Salome swallowed. “We were… are great friends.”     Instantly, she felt guilty for not having known that fact upon seeing Lady Salome. She bit her lower lip then said, “Well, maybe we can hang out, or something? If we are besties, I want to remember it, too.”     Lady Salome offered a weak smile. “I’d like that.” Her eyes sparked. “Hey! We can retail-bond! Let’s go shopping! There’s so much you are going to love about this century.”      Myung coughed then rapped a pot down on the counter a little louder than necessary; Lady Salome balked and covered her mouth.  “My Queen- let’s get some food grilling. You won’t be able to deny my chicken Francese.” He pressed, opening the fridge on his right. Inside, she noticed it was stocked quite well with normal food.     Strange, for a house of vampires. But Myung did need to eat, too.      Her stomach growled at the thought of a meal. “Ok, you win, Myung. Show me those mad skills.” Gabriella then turned to Lady Salome. “I’d love to go shopping or something.”     Lady Salome issued a teeth-clenched smile. “Ok! Wonderful. We’ll plan!”      “What’s the plan?” His voice raised the hair on her neck and sent a rush of excitement over her skin. Gabriella instantly slid off the barstool when she turned and saw Raith standing in the kitchen archway flanked by two others. They all looked absolutely stunning in dark colored form-fitting suits. She had offered his companions a quick look.     For one, they were all vampires.       Although they held the typical pale skin, Gabriella could tell they had once been on the tawny side when they were human.  They weren’t as muscular as Raith, having more of a lean physique but she could tell they were built. While one man had shorter, clean cut black hair, the other had long hair like the King, though it was pulled away from his shoulders up into a man-bun. This one also had a neatly trimmed beard and go-tee. Raith also had tamed his hair having his silvery locks pulled up behind his head into a topknot like his companion.      Raith had been so upset when they left the shore earlier, but there was no trace of it now. He looked at Gabriella with intense intention; his soft lips upturned in a captivating smile just for her.     “Shopping of course.” Lady Salome shrugged as if they ever had to guess what her plans were. The man with the go-tee rolled his eyes inducing a scowl from her. “What? Gabriella wanted girl time.”     Raith’s casual expression morphed into concern. “It may be too soon for Gabriella to be out and about?”     She pouted. “We’ll take Myung with us. Please!” Her bright eyes blinked.     He looked between Lady Salome and Gabriella a few times before looking pointedly at Myung. Gabriella turned to see Myung stare back at Raith then issued a single nod.     “Alright. A few hours.” He said to a very excited Salome then turned back to Gabriella. He approached, clutching her hands. “Are you up for it?”     Gabriella melted under his hooded azure eyes, catching her breath. “Yes.” She rasped. Raith’s eyebrow rose.     “We can all drive together into the city, but I’ll be staying a bit longer for business. Lady Salome and Myung will see you home.” He stopped speaking, just staring at her; despite those in the room with them, they shared a comfortable silence. Raith ran a finger down the side of her cheek, smiling. “Promise me you’ll stay with Myung. He will watch over you.”     Since her heart was threatening to jump from her throat, all she could do was nod.     Raith succumbed to a chaste kiss on her forehead, but it was enough to nearly drive her to her knees. He took her hand and turned to the men still standing in the kitchen’s arch. “Our consigliere, Lord Athan.” Gabriella loved how he addressed him as ‘our’ as he pointed to the one with the go-tee. “And this is our Bellator, Prince Ambrose.” He addressed the short-haired man.      They both held their heart, bowed to Gabriella, and in unison said, “My Queen.”  Gabriella’s heart melted.     Since Lady Salome had declared girl time, Princess Ravana had also opted to come. So now that it was a group of seven, they had to take two cars. Although with the amount of vehicles they had walked by in Raith’s massive garage, Gabriella was sure she saw at least three that would have fit all of them. But, since they were separating soon after arriving in the city, they had to go split-party.     Most of the group jumped into a black Cadillac SUV while Raith, Gabriella, and Myung rode in a fire red Rolls-Royce. Myung was designated driver while she and the vampire king sat in the back seat. When he tucked into his seat next to her, his musky smell filled her nose, overtaking the crisp leather aroma of the car’s interior. She tried to busy herself with the seatbelt so his proximity wouldn’t drive her insane, but each time she yanked on the belt, it kept sticking in its port. Blushing, she tried over and over to get it out, but it wasn’t cooperating.            Reaching across her, Raith gently pulling the belt and slowly moving it across her, his fingers brushing across her chest. Her breath hitched, causing him to pause and look at her. Her pulse raced when their eyes caught, face to face, clearly seized in each other’s attraction.           Raith managed to be the first to look away. “You can’t force it. You’ve got to coax it to do your will,” his last words fell off in a whisper. She nodded absently, watching him finish by clicking her belt into place. His pinky finger lifted slightly at the side of her leg, brushing the section of fleshy thigh where her dress had ridden up. Raith’s attentive expression shifted, and gentlemanly, he pinched the hem of her dress and pulled it back over her leg.             “Ready?” He smiled.           Breathless, she nodded.
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