Chapter 61

2118 Words

    Curious, Gabriella wondered, “So, a rogue loses their mate when they go loco?” she asked.     Anne nodded. “Pretty much. Their mentality isn’t about connections or unity anymore. It’s all about feral survival. So, what we’ve been told is, if a werewolf breaks from their pack, they lose the benefits that go with it. One of those is, they lose their mate.”      “What happens to their mate then?”      Anne frowned, “They live their lives without one, or sometimes,” her expression lightened, “the Goddess blesses them with what’s called a Second Chance mate. Although the bond isn’t as strong as it would be if it were the original mate.”     “Second chance mate?” Gabriella shook her head in confusion.     Ezra offered, “The Goddess Selene can choose to connect the werewolf with another

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