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Chapter 3 Dos' Point of View "So, who's this June girl, a friend of your wife?" I inquired, reclining on the sofa, trying to mask my burgeoning curiosity while Uno and Amelia, his daughter, lingered in my apartment. Belle, Uno's wife, had gone to tend to her shop. "Oh, June? She's Belle's long-time friend. Belle entrusted Belle Couture to her whenever we go back to the Philippines," Uno explained, briefly diverting his attention from Amelia engrossed in her play. "Where did she meet her?" I prodded, a veil of intrigue enveloping my voice. Uno paused, ruminating over my question. "I don't know, honestly. But I know Belle helped June, so that's how they met, and the rest is history," Uno replied, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he redirected his gaze toward me. "Why are you so curious about her?" Uno queried, bemused. I quickly averted my gaze, trying to appear nonchalant. "Nothing, just curious," I brushed it off, sneaking a glance back at Uno, catching his sly grin. "Curiosity or did she catch your attention?" Uno teased. I scoffed, feigning indifference. "Just mere curiosity," I countered, grabbing a beer can, adopting an air of nonchalance. "Okay, if you say so. But you wouldn't be this curious if you weren't interested in her," Uno quipped, focusing his attention on Amelia, involving her in our banter. I leaned back on the sofa, thoughts inadvertently drifting toward June. She's captivating, with a smile that lights up the room. Admittedly, there's an allure about her. Yet, I can't allow myself to become entangled, nor should she. It's impractical, considering the chaos that engulfs my life. Apart from being born into opulence, I'm a billionaire and CEO entangled in the intricate web of a Mafia Group. I couldn't jeopardize anyone's safety, especially someone like June. I dismissed my thoughts about June, convincing myself it was a passing interest. My life was a complex concoction of wealth, influence, and organized crime. Getting involved with someone like June would only complicate matters further. June's Point of View "June, I'm leaving now, okay? I'll pick up Uno and Amelia," Belle swiftly packed her belongings, preparing to depart. I nodded, shutting down my computer. "Sure. Give Amelia my regards. I'll drop by your hotel tomorrow; I promised to take her to the mall when I'm free," I bid farewell with a smile. Belle and Uno opted to stay in a hotel separate from Finn and me. Although Finn was accommodating, Belle preferred their privacy as a couple. Understandable. "You're spoiling Amelia. If she grows up spoiled, I'm entrusting her to Finn," Belle jested. I chuckled, acknowledging our role in spoiling Amelia. "Sorry, can't help it," I admitted playfully, knowing it was inevitable given the past five years Amelia spent with us. Despite the limited time we share nowadays, Amelia remained our baby girl. "Alright, I'm off," Belle announced. I waved goodbye and finished my pending work for the next day, planning to take Amelia out. I packed my belongings and turned off the lights before securing the door lock. Suddenly, a voice startled me. "Boo!" "Oh my gosh!" I jumped, turning to see Dos, grinning after his little prank. "Gotchu," he chuckled. "God, Dos! It's you! I thought it was someone else! Why do you have to startle me?!" I exclaimed, furrowing my brows as I watched him chuckle. "Just felt like it. I saw you locking the door, so I thought, why not give you a surprise? Mission accomplished, right?" he teased. I scowled at him and lightly swatted his arm. "Yeah, mission accomplished for you. What if I hit you with my bag?!" I retorted, scowling again. I heard him chuckle. "Sorry. You're just too fun to tease," he said, ruffling my hair slightly, almost like a child. "Seriously! I just combed my hair!" I protested, fixing it. "What are you doing here? Are you picking up Belle? Because if so, she's left already," I said, trying to divert the conversation. He shook his head. "Nah. I just ran some errands nearby. So, I decided to drop by. Lucky me to catch you," he explained, smiling as we began walking home. "Why? What's up? Want to borrow money? I don't have extra," I joked, earning another laugh from Dos. "Nope. Just wanted to see you. Is that okay?" he asked, puzzling me. I suddenly realized why I assumed he was asking for money when he was richer than me. Duh! He's a billionaire. "Why, though? What's up?" I queried. Dos grinned and playfully messed up my hair again. "What's with all the questions? Anyway, just inviting you to dinner," he invited. My eyes widened with surprise. "Dinner? Where?" I asked, intrigued. Scratching his head, he suggested, "Want to come to my hotel? I'll cook whatever you like." What?! His hotel?! I was taken aback. "Hey! Are you inviting me to your hotel?! What are you going to do to me?! Dos! I'm telling you, I like you, but I'm not like other girls who easily give in!" I blurted out, flustered. Dos paused at my confession. "What did you say? You like me?" he echoed my words. I gasped, covering my mouth, feeling my cheeks turn crimson. "Huh?! I didn't say anything!" I protested, glaring at him. Dos narrowed his eyes. "I heard it. You said you like me," he insisted. I bit my lower lip. Shucks! Why did I slip up? I wanted to smack myself! Seriously, June?! "You! You want me, huh?" he teased, making me blush even more. "W-what if I do?!" I retorted, trying to mask my embarrassment. Dos chuckled as he move away from me. "Let's go to my apartment. Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. And there, we'll talk about what you're feeling," he suggested, striding ahead, leaving me flustered and my heart racing. I scowled and pondered. What do we need to talk about? Is there something to discuss?! As Dos confidently led the way to his apartment, promising that he wouldn't make a move, my mind raced with uncertainty. The air was thick with anticipation, and my heart drummed in my chest. What could possibly be the topic of conversation that warranted such a meeting? I scowled, perplexed and flustered, wondering if this encounter held the key to unraveling the mysteries between us. As we approached his apartment door, I couldn't shake the feeling that our lives were hurtling toward an uncharted territory, teetering on the edge of revelation. Little did I know, the answers awaited behind that door, and the imminent conversation could reshape the course of our intertwined destinies. And, I just hope that I won't regret walking into his apartment! Urg!
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