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Chapter 1 June's Point of View "Miss June, we're going home now." I'm finally wrapping up work at 7 PM, bidding farewell to my staff as they trickle out of the office. Today has been exhaustingly packed with preparations for our upcoming fashion events. Belle, along with her husband and daughter Amelia, hasn't arrived yet from the Philippines. Ever since Belle got married, she's been living in the Philippines, leaving Belle's Couture under my care, only occasionally visiting New York City. Her trust means the world to me, pushing me to give my all despite my exhaustion. I owe her immensely, especially during my lowest times. "Okay, take care. Thanks for your hard work, and I'll see you tomorrow," I smile at my staff, who return the gesture before leaving. Their faces clearly exhibit the strain of the day. At last, I'm finally alone. Even though I'm tired and work consumes my thoughts, I can't shake off my accidental collision with Dos earlier. I don't know why he lingers in my mind, why his handsome face, captivating smile, and the way he looked at me are still so vivid. Thinking about Dos makes my heart race again. Oh God! What am I feeling? I massage my temples. I must tell Finn about this when I get home. That thought propels me to swiftly gather my things and ensure everything's locked before hailing a taxi. Stepping into my apartment after the ride, my mind is still swirling with thoughts about Dos. I glanced around my apartment, my mind racing with thoughts of the chance encounter with Dos. "Finn, you won't believe who I bumped into today!" I blurted out, unable to contain my excitement. Finn, lounging with his laptop, shot me a teasing grin. "Let me guess, your Prince Charming?" he joked, his eyes sparkling mischievously. I rolled my eyes, trying to suppress my grin. "Okay, not quite that dramatic, but seriously, Finn, there was something about him," I gushed, plopping down on the couch next to him. "What was his name?" Finn asked, his attention briefly flickering from the screen. "Dos. His name's Dos," I replied, a smile tugging at my lips as I relived our brief interaction. "Dos? That's an interesting name. And then?" Finn leaned in, clearly intrigued. "And then, poof! We accidentally bumped into each other, he helped me pick up my stuff, we exchanged a few words, and then he disappeared," I sighed, a mixture of disappointment and intrigue coloring my voice. "Sounds like the beginning of a thrilling love story," Finn teased, earning himself a playful glare from me. "You're impossible, Finn! But really, I doubt I'll ever run into him again," I admitted, my hope waning as I accepted the transitory nature of chance meetings. But fate seemed to have its own plans for me, huh? Urg. Whatever. I slouched onto the couch beside Finn, feeling a tad disappointed. Why am I so disheartened at the thought of not meeting Dos again? "What's with the long face, girly?" Finn turned to me, propping his face on his hand. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just not sure if I'll ever see him again," I whispered. I shrugged and sighed. Why am I feeling like this? What's the big deal if we don't meet again, right? "Wait! Don't tell me you had a love-at-first-sight moment with the guy you bumped into? Oh my, girl!" Finn accused. My eyes widened as I quickly shook my head. "N-no way!" I denied. Finn gave me a knowing look. "Really? But your cheeks say otherwise. Oh dear, June Savannah Villegas, you can't lie to me," he teased. I bit my lower lip at his words. Love at first sight? I thought that only happened in telenovelas and books. I never imagined experiencing it myself. ... The next day, I was on my way to pick up Belle and her family. Last night, she called saying their flight got delayed. They were supposed to arrive last night, but now they're coming here to New York at noon. While on the way, my mind was still caught up in thoughts about Dos—the mysterious stranger who had made a lasting impression on me. Navigating through the busy streets, my mind looped back to Dos. As I reached the bustling arrival area, my eyes scanned the crowd. And there, amidst the throng of people, stood Belle. My eyes nearly widened at the man I saw with her, aside from her husband. Wait, am I seeing things correctly?! Am I not just imagining things? Dos? What's he doing here? And why is he with Belle? My heart fluttered in surprise, an unexpected rush coursing through me. "Maybe Finn was onto something! This feels like fate at work," I mused, my pulse racing at the sight of Dos. "June!" Belle's voice cut through the bustling noise, drawing my attention. "You won't believe who I met here at the airport!" she exclaimed, waving energetically. I managed a smile, stealing a glance at Dos. "Hey, Belle. Yeah, I see who you've bumped into," I replied, trying to remain composed. Dos glanced at me, and I could see in his face that even he couldn't believe that we met again. Belle continued, unaware of any tension between Dos and me. "This is Dos, Uno's brother. Dos, this is June, my friend." I mustered a polite smile, acknowledging Dos. "Nice to see you again, Dos," I greeted, masking my surprise at this unexpected reunion. Dos returned my greeting with a warm smile, a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "Likewise, June. What a coincidence," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "Yeah, what are the odds?" I replied, my mind scrambling to make sense of this unexpected twist. "Huh? Do you two know each other?" Belle wondered, shifting her gaze between Dos and me. "Nah. We just bumped into each other yesterday. And who would have thought that we'll bump into each other again today?" Dos replied, glancing meaningfully at me, a smile playing on his lips. I furrowed my brow. What does he mean? "Oh, I see. Then, good, at least you won't be uncomfortable with each other. Right, babe?" Belle remarked, which Uno agreed with. "Hi Tita June!" Amelia approached me. I smiled and lifted her up. "You're getting heavy! My, how big you've grown!" I teased lightly, pinching her nose, and she giggled, pinching my cheek. "Cute, Tita June!" Amelia chuckled. I smiled back and couldn't help but glance at Dos. I caught him looking at me again. I felt my heart beat faster. Why is he staring? "Let's go home. I know Finn is already waiting for me." As Belle cheerfully signaled our departure, my mind buzzed with unspoken questions. Dos, an enigmatic figure in this unexpected rendezvous, held the key to mysteries that lingered in the air. As Belle chattered away, I couldn't help but steal glances at Dos. Questions swirled in my mind. Was this merely a whimsical trick of fate? Was there something more to this unexpected rendezvous, or did it carry the weight of a deeper connection? Little did I know that the answers to these questions would unravel in ways that would either bind us tighter or cast us into the abyss of unforeseen revelations. As we left, uncertainty hung in the air, a palpable tension signaling that the journey ahead held more surprises than I could fathom.
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