Chapter 24: Going Crazy

1866 Words

Sheila I was on the run because Anuba f****d up and now Ty is looking to kill us, I knew Bradley was going to be our downfall, we should have killed him but spared him because of Lissa. I was staying at his Villa killing unsuspecting men and the bodies are beginning to pile up. Our mark was soon to be completed and I needed to enter Ty's mind one more time then I could go to him and show him that he loved me. Months ago, I visited my homeland and was given the information that I needed about Ty, he was going to be our mate no matter what. I remember all of it like it was yesterday what my no-good father had said about Ty and I admit, it fascinated me more to push towards succeeding with having him as my mate, I needed that power. I even visited my former lover, someone I particularly di

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