Chapter Four

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Dexter I spent the next couple of hours working with Jon on finding this auction. We have learned that it is taking place tomorrow night. We have also learned that the guy running it is called Mr. Grey. We have a few possible locations they are all abandoned builds. Jon we should start to search this building I hand him a paper with the list of buildings. "You want to start today? " "Yeah, let's get some men together I'll inform my father of what we found. Hopefully, I can avoid the fake-ass barbie." "Dude now that's no way to speak about your fiance... " I just growl at him. "Go get the men ready." I tell him. "Yes, your Highness" he does a dramatic bow with his hands out like the i***t he is. "Would you just go, you moron? " I yell at him. He stands up and walks out laughing the whole way. "Dad, " I call through the link. "Yes, Dexter. " "I got information on that auction we are about to head out but I wanted to show you what we got." "Alright, I'm in my office." "Um, dad where is our guest?" "Your mother and Brenda is going over the details for the ball." "Ok, I'm coming to your office now. Jon is getting the men ready." I stand up and walk out of the room I've been held up in all day avoiding certain people. I walk up to my father's office I get a smell of some strong perfume. I knock and hear my dad tell me to come in. The first thing I see is that annoying woman sitting with my mother. She stands a comes straight towards me. She hooks her arm with mine. "I was hoping I'd see you before you left. Your father said you have some business to do in town." I look at my father and raise my eyebrow. "Get used to her Dexter she is soon to be your Queen." I hear my father in my head. I walk to my father's desk I look at my mother and she has that look that says don't do anything stupid. "Lady if you would excuse us there is an important matter I need to discuss with the king. " I say in the nicest voice I could muster up. My mother is the first to stand. "Of course Dexter you two handle your business." She turns towards the leach on my arm. "Come dear we can go and finish the flower arrangements for your ball. " My mother gestures with her hand. "Yes, my Queen." I hear her annoying voice and I refrain from rolling my eyes. She reaches up and places a kiss on my cheek. " I'll see you later my prince." I just look at her out of the corner of my eye. She lets go and follows my mother out of the office closing the door. I look to my father. "Dad," I say to him. "Son, you need to get used to her in a month you two will be married. " "Dad!! I don't need to be married to take the throne I've been doing it all for a while now and she isn't my fated mate you know my dragon isn't gonna be happy. " "I know Dexter but you have no choice your gonna have to get your dragon to accept her 'cause there's no other way." "I'm never gonna accept her she is so fake can't you see it? She's not gonna be a good leader she only is looking at the title she will hold." " Yes, I'm not wanting a mate or a wife but I look out for my people and what needs to be done. She doesn't even know I'm a dragon how do you plan on telling her about us? " My father just sighs. "Dexter, I know there is a lot to cover yet but we will in time and you have to accept her I'm ordering you to do so." He roars out as his eyes glow yellow as his dragon is at the surface. I bow my head in submission. He's still the king and my father. "Now tell me what you have found." I look up and see his eyes are normal. I sit down and explain everything we found out. "Jon has a list of buildings we are gonna start searching for them today the auction is taking place tomorrow night. So we don't have a lot of time." "Alright, get to it keep me informed as you move along." He says to me "Yes, Sir I say standing up and heading towards the door." "Dexter, " he calls me. I turn back to look at him. "I'm sorry about forcing your hand but you have to understand there's no other way. " I just nod my head not wanting to get into another argument with him. I turn and walk out of the office. "Jon," I call through the link. "Yeah man.. " he says back "I'm coming down now everyone is ready." "Yeah, we are out front already." I head down to the front door when I see the one person I don't want to right now. "Wait Dexter" she calls out. I stop in my tracks and look at her. She stops in front of me. " I just wanted to say goodbye to you." She says with that annoying voice I want to bash my head against a wall. She reaches out and rubs her hands up my arms and I can feel my dragon pushing to come forward... I take a step back away from her. "Dexter please just give me a chance to show you I'll be a good wife and queen." I had to hold my growl. I lean down so I'm at eye level with her. "My parents have decided to choose you but I can see straight through your fake image. You may have them fooled but me not so easily. I don't want a wife or queen I don't do commitments my father is forcing me to marry you that doesn't mean we are going to be together. Do I make myself clear so stop trying?" I stand back up and she has tears in her eyes. I turn and walk towards the door. I stop and look back. "Oh, and it's Prince Dexter to you. " I walk out and close the door behind me not giving her another thought. I walk to the cars that are lined up I'm so irritated at her act I could just smash something. "Man, what happened to you?" Jon asked. "That dam twit Brenda is what happens. First, she was in my father's office waiting for me like she was already my wife, and then she just stopped me on my way out. She doesn't care about me or what her duties will be it's all about the title and the money. I don't trust her and my dragon finds her irritating. " "So just kick her to the curb like you have all the others." "I can't my father has ordered me to accept her we had an argument about it I said my dragon would never accept her he pulled rank on me I'm left with no choice now. " "Well, they may change their minds if you find your fated mate. " "Sure like I'm gonna find her before the months up. Cause that's all the time they are allowing me." "Dude freaking month that's crazy." "Yeah, tell me about it and now she thinks she has the right to be all over me." "I feel for ya man but I don't know what your gonna do if your father ordered you to take her as your wife. " "I don't know I think I will have someone look into their family background she just seems to be trying way too hard."
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