Elijah As I stand there pretending to console Celeste, I can see not only Claire but Zoey staring at me from the door. I want to push Celeste away and tell Zoey it’s nothing but I was in this productive relationship for over 5 years. I can’t just walk away, right? Zeus my inner god sits upon his throne rubbing his temples at the stupidity I’ve made him endure over the past several TURBULENT days. I need to talk to Zoey about everything, I need to talk to Celeste, I need to get away from them both and relax on the beach while a beautiful Jamaican woman sucks my soul out through my d**k and lets me feel my problems slide down her beautiful throat. f**k!!! I flag them away and shut the door so that I can try to focus on one issue at a time but this whole multi-tasking thing is for the peop