The News

2333 Words

The NewsI peered at Jon as the carriage continued towards my apartments. I’d been at the cottage three weeks. What happened while I was gone? Jon had said nothing about current events, and no newspapers arrived at the cottage. I’d surely missed my court dates, and I dreaded what Molly and Mr. Pike would have to say. As we came closer to the city I began to feel afraid. What if Tony had me locked in the carriage as he did before, forced me to return to Spadros Manor after all? I’d never be allowed to escape! Dread gnawed at me as we approached the outer road. But the carriage sped past 192nd Street, and I felt a huge sense of relief. We stopped in front of my apartments behind Jonathan’s carriage, which had returned for him. Once we had alighted, I said to Jon, “Thank you for everything.

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