The Horror

1597 Words

The HorrorFrantic voices. Angry words which made no sense. Sobbing. Screams. Laughter. But instead of the woman from the hotel — Mrs. Clubb? — this was a deep, rich laugh from a large man. At Clubb Hotel, I’d feared I was mad. Now I knew I was. He laughed in triumph as I flew through a storm-cloud, thunderbolts crashing around me. And I knew — I just knew — that he didn’t just mock me. He pursued me! I could hardly breathe for fear of the man pursuing. He laughed as he chased me through the green-gray storm, a massive wall approaching to cut me with knives of silver. But I flew too fast, too high, and I began to fall from a terrible height. And the laughter came closer … and closer … behind …! A strange room, my heart pounding in a shaking sweat. The room golden, hot, the sound of fi

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