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"What's up, Dean?" "Have you told anyone about where I was at?" "No! Why?" "Because they were back here today asking more questions about you and me and wanted to know what was happening between us. They know that we were together." "Maybe, but I don't see why that is bad." "Because they think you're hiding me. They are asking questions that indicate you know where I am. I'm sure they will talk to you again here soon, probably because you dropped all the charges against me." "I don't want to keep lying, Dean. Maybe you should just go back." "If I do that, I will be in jail longer now because of escaping." "Why don't you tell me what the judge said?" "He said that he was giving me seven years. Everyone dropped the charges against me because you asked them to, which I was thankful for, including your father, which was shocking. But I did a lot of stuff they couldn't let go because it was done to the state, not a person. Like using company property to stalk you, wasting company time, and filing false police reports. All that added up." "Why don't you just do your time, Dean? What difference will it make? You're either going to hide for years or be in jail for years. Either way, it sucks for you." "You already showed me that if I'm gone for a long period, you will leave me completely. I don't want to lose you." "Maybe everything will be better and easier when you get out." "I don't want to go back. I put most of those people in there. I'm going to be in trouble if they see me." I let out a heavy breath. I didn't know what to say to Dean. I knew he wanted to be with me, but what was I supposed to do, go on the run with him? I knew I couldn't do that. I was sure he knew it as well. Having him do his time would be easier, and then he could walk out a free man. I wasn't sure how much time would be added to his sentence now that he escaped prison, but I think it would be better. "What do you want from me?" I shouted at him in frustration. "I wish you would stay with me here. I can't go back to the house." "I can't be staying here with you. I'm with Colin." "Then leave him. You love me, Ivy. I can tell. I remember how we were before you learned about me being your stalker. You loved me. I want to get back to that. Colin won't keep you happy forever. I can, though. You just have to give me a real chance." "How can I give you a real chance when you can't even leave the bar? By the way, how did you get a rose and letter to me in my car today?" "I was hiding from everyone for a long time. I still know how to do it. It isn't like I lost my skills just because I was caught. I snuck in and put it there while you were busy talking to your exes." "I wasn't just talking to my exes. I was also talking to Danny and Blake. And I will start hanging out with people again, so you better get used to it." "How does Colin feel about you hanging out with Daryl and Zac?" "I haven't told him yet." "Well, I'm fine with it if you don't cut me out because of it. I'm not sure about Colin, though; he is a jealous guy." "More jealous than you?" I replied, laughing. "Yes, once you're mine, I am not really the jealous type. When we aren't together, my problems start. I love you, and if you were mine, I would trust you. Colin will not. He has a lot of issues that you don't know about." "Well, I will have to see that for myself." He laughed. "I wish I could see it. I would laugh in his face since he did the same thing to me." "How are you and he doing lately?" "We're alright. At the current time, we are frenemies. We both want the same girl. Once we figure you out, we will be back on track. The only problem is that neither of us will let you go." "How was the therapy going in jail?" "It was going well. And I will continue it if you want when all this is over. But I love you, and I will never be sorry for that. I'm sorry for how I acted and did things, but not for loving you." I was shocked. This was the first time Dean had apologized for his actions and truly meant it. I started crying on the spot. Hearing him say he was sorry was what I needed. I pulled him into a hug and held him there. He seemed confused because I was hugging him and crying simultaneously. "What's wrong, Baby." "I love you," I said, causing him to smile. "I love you too." He pulled back, leaned forward, and kissed my lips softly. I kissed him back. He was happy that this time, I didn't pull away. I could feel the smile on his lips as he continued to kiss me passionately. He tightened his grip on me and pulled me as close as possible. I pulled back from him when I needed to breathe, and then he kissed my jaw. "Dean, I'm still with Colin. I can't do this," I said, making him huff at me. He pulled back with a disgusted face. "You will always be mine, Ivy. You can do anything you want with me. I'm yours, and you're mine, forever." He went back to kissing my jaw. He then moved down my neck and over my chest. His hands grabbed my ass and lifted me onto a table that was in the room. "Dean, please. I can't do this right now." He pulled back finally and let me go. He was looking at me happily. "I will go back to jail, but you need to promise to be here when I get out. You must promise to see me every week, let me call you whenever I wish, and answer me when I do call. You can't have a boyfriend, and you can't leave me alone." "I don't know if I can do all that. I was so lonely when you were taken to jail." "And that is why you got back with Colin." "NO!" I shouted at him. But then I thought about it and figured that he might be right. I knew Colin and I weren't meant to be, yet I was with him anyway. I didn't want to admit it, though. "Maybe." "It's okay, Ivy. I understand not wanting to be alone," he said with a smile on his face. "That isn't why. I'm sure of it." "Are you going to wait for me or not?" he asked sternly. "I can not make that promise. I'm sorry," I replied, making him look angry. "Well, then, I'm not going back. I will just run and hide." "I think you should go back, Dean." He acted like he was thinking for a moment and then said no. I couldn't understand his ways. Either way, he was going to be away from me. Whether he was in hiding or jail, we were going to be separated. At least in jail, it would be a shorter time. He would have to run for more than seven years. "I don't like not being in control, Baby," he said, admitting his actual problem. This chapter was hard to split up. Sorry. Another author's note at the end. Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment with any feedback.

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