Chapter 3: Mate

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Asher I got out of the car and I found myself in front of the great home of the Alpha. I had not announced my arrival. I hoped to pass as unnoticed as possible. I didn’t want to attract the attention of the other Alphas, especially knowing the appointment of some of them. I knew that coming to these territories was not the wisest decision, but my pack was convinced that this was the right opportunity to finally meet my mate. Since it was the right celebration when many packs from all over the world gathered, there would have been more chances to meet her. My pack needed its Luna, and just as I needed it, my wolf, Karos, was torturing me in the search for his Mate. It’s about our Mate. As I walked down the cobblestone avenue that led to the villa, followed by my Beta Marcus and my gamma Devon, the door opened and a lady in her fifties came out, with an apron tied around her waist, a cap to cover her hair and a stern look. I could smell her as a wolf, yet the woman did not seem frightened by the aura I emanated, much less by that of my friends. Interesting. "Alpha Arold is not expecting guests." said the woman at the top of the porch stairs. "We didn’t announce ourselves." Marcus said. "Then I can’t let you in." the woman replied. "I’m sure the alpha will have nothing to say about that." Devon said, taking a step forward. The woman raised an eyebrow and put her hands on her hips, as a sign of defiance, not at all intimidated. I almost laughed at that scene, and she had balls, I had to admit, maybe a lot more than many members of my pack. "I know it’s unexpected, but I can wait for Alpha Arold in his office. We had a meeting scheduled for tomorrow. You can call him and tell him that Alpha Asher is here. I’m sure he won’t object to it." I said, stepping forward and surpassing my beta and gamma. The woman snorted and for a moment her gaze became vacuous. Evidently, she was talking to her Alpha. She spoke for a few minutes and then waved us in. "The lady has some balls." Devon commented, putting his hands in his pockets. "Try not to do any harm." I told my two friends as I followed the woman into the house. As soon as I was inside, I was invaded by a smell that made my mouth water, my whole body became alert as my wolf began to purr loudly while jumping from one side to the other agitated as I had never seen before. The woman approached the wide marble staircase at the bottom of the huge hall, Devon and Marcus followed her around while I froze. My whole body was attracted to another side, while Karos kept howling in my head, jumping from one side to the other and wagging his tail, with a drool in his mouth. I turned to the right, where there was an open door, from which I could see the kitchen furniture. Karos growled, taking over my body and moved, going towards that door, carried by the scent of jasmine and roses. "Alpha, not that way." said the woman, but I didn’t listen to her, so I was transported to the kitchen. The place was completely invaded by that fabulous smell that made me drool, while Karos let out a low and guttural groan before giving me back control. The maid rushed in front of me, looking towards the kitchen. "Miss." she said, and I looked up. I found myself in front of a tiny girl, brown hair that swayed behind her back, holding firmly to the sink. 'Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate.' Karos began to say ecstatic. The girl did not turn, for a moment she lost her balance and seemed to fall backwards and, before I could control myself, I rushed at her. Her back beat against my chest, holding it, as I surrounded her waist with my arm, my whole body was filled with sparks as soon as I touched her. Karos started howling in my head and kept repeating Mate as if it were a mantra. As soon as I was near her, her perfume invaded me, I felt how her body was relaxing against mine, as she took a deep breath, while I was sticking my nose in her hair, intoxicating with her fabulous perfume, going down to her neck where I sank my face, savoring even better its smell while Karos grunted and wagged from side to side. "Mate!" I said in a hoarse voice. The girl inhaled and suddenly her body became soft, and I grabbed her before she fell unconscious. "Miss!" said the maid, immediately approaching and trying to grab her, I turned and growled at her, putting her back in her place, hearing Karos trying to get out on the surface. Devon and Marcus immediately snapped and stood in front of the woman, showing their teeth and growling at me, noticing how my wolf was trying to take control. "Keep calm, buddy." Devon said as I shook my head and showed my fangs. I bent down on the ground, in my arms my unconscious Mate, her head was resting on my shoulder. I wrapped her shoulders with one arm and pushed her against me, resting my chin on her hot, sweaty forehead, her hair sticking to her forehead. "She's hot." I said, putting my hand on her cheek. "Miss shouldn’t be here." the woman repeated, trying to get past my two friends, I growled again, exploding my alpha aura, as I surrounded my mate with my other arm. 'Mate need us. We must be with mate.' Karos began to say with concern. Our Mate began to breathe anxiously as she complained in our arms. "Please Alpha, we have to take the Miss back to her room and wait for Alpha Arold." the woman said with concern. I growled again but agreed. I grabbed her arm and put it around my neck as I put my arm under her knees and with the other I held her tight as I lifted her up and got back on my feet. "Show me the way." I said to the woman, pointing with my head to the door. The maid sighed and preceded me, going out of the kitchen and then to the large staircase. I followed her to the third floor, with my beta and gamma on my heels, the woman opened the door to a room and entered. I found myself in a bright room. A large balcony window illuminated the room. In the center of the room, there was a huge bed whose blankets were undone and thrown to the side. Along a wall, there was a bookcase that was decorated with golden lights. I advanced to the bed and rested on it my mate, with a delicacy that surprised me too. I took the blankets and covered her while she sighed and crouched on the pillow. I squatted by the bed and watched her. The angelic face, the delicate features, the fleshy lips. My heart galloped through my chest just looking at her, wondering what color her eyes were, and what her voice sounded like. 'We need to protect Mate.' Karos kept saying in my head. "Alpha Arold will be waiting for you in his office." said the maid as she approached the door and grabbed the handle. I didn’t move an inch. I lifted my hand and passed it on her warm face, feeling a spark pervading my body as soon as my skin came into contact with hers. In her sleep she moved towards my hand, accompanying my movement. "What is her name?" I asked without looking away from her delicate face. "Reylee." answered the maid. 'Reylee. Reylee. Mate has such a beautiful name. ' Said Karos, trotting cheerfully. "We stay here." Karos said, taking over and turning to the woman at the door. The maid jumped to see the black eyes of my wolf and sensing the aura that we released. It was not a request, we had no intention of moving away from our mate, we had no intention of moving away from her in the slightest. We wouldn’t get away from her until we were dead. "Alpha Arold won’t approve. Please wait in his office." she said, almost frightened. "No," I said in a growl. "The alpha doesn’t want anyone near his daughter." the woman repeated as she approached. "I don’t care!" I said growling. The woman froze and immediately my friends came between us. "I’ll wait for the Alpha and talk to him, understand that the mating bond is a bit complicated," my beta intervened. I turned back to my mate and moved a lock of brown hair behind her ear, feeling her shiver at my touch. I heard the woman sigh defeat and leave the room while Devon whistled and made me growl. "Cmon Man, you’re a barbarian," Devon commented. "Stay at the door to prevent our alpha from getting hysterical, I’m waiting for Alpha Arold and I’m trying to prevent his fury from falling on the young gentleman here." I didn’t even answer. I just watched my Mate with dreamy eyes as my friends went out and left us alone. 'Mate. Mate. Mate. ' Karos continued to repeat cheerfully.
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