3242 Words

CHAPTER 12ROCHELLE March 25, 2090 Cold rain pelted my face as I held two little hands and ran from the front porch of the Garzanias’ house to the car parked on the half-flooded street. Moving one hand to clutch my coat, I opened the car door and lifted the two little girls inside. I knew them as the kids who sat in the pew in front of me at church every Sunday morning since November. They had lost their parents to the fever and had come to live with their aunt and cousin, Lucy, a classmate of Kinley’s. And after that loss and being uprooted, they were facing the terrible possibility of having nothing to return to but a flooded house. Thunder crashed overhead and the little girls huddled together in the back seat. “It’s okay.” I ducked into the car and sat with one foot inside and one s

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