3041 Words

CHAPTER 7ROCHELLE March 13, 2090 “The poster says I have to be sixteen to be on the council, not sixteen to run for the council.” I leaned forward in my chair across from Alexander’s desk. “If it’s written that way in the rule book . . .” “Rochelle, does Kinley know you’re here?” Alexander looked up from the envelope he had been addressing through my argument. “Not exactly.” I had been caught in the one fact I couldn’t get out of. “But . . .” “But nothing,” he interrupted. “You and Kinley and I already talked about this. Remember when we agreed that your health is first priority and . . .” Tuning out the lecture I’d heard a hundred times, I glanced around the familiar office. Papers and books stood in stacks on one side of the desk and a nearby chair. The three plants on the windowsi

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