Chapter 17

1644 Words
Boiling hot water was splattered on my skin, the water rinsed the dirt away from my face before thumping back on the floor, the warm blood in my veins relaxed as I opened my eyes, my eyelashes stood dark and wet in front of me, droplets of water dripped down from my chin and the peace of silence wrapped me in. My cold eyes stared me back from the mirror settled in front of me, my yearning nails scratched the bruise placed below my eyes, I flinched and pulled away when I felt a sting pass through it. My lips weren't curved up in a smile from this freedom instead they tightened in a straight line from the coming fear. My heart was beating erratically, my breathing was perfectly normal because no one was around me, it was just me and the gloomy darkness. My fingers reached out to the dry towel folded and neatly placed on the rack, pressing it on my face I moved it around till the water was all soaked inisde the cotton. I threw it back before heading out of the small washroom, the first thing that came in my lenses was the dreadful darkness expanding across the room, without hesitation I stumbled upon the light switch and immediately clicked it on. We arrived here a few hours ago, for me this town was quite small, no one was really walking around most probably because the sun was setting but something was terribly wrong in this place and I could feel it however I brushed it off thinking it was just my fear of getting caught or captured but someone. I assured myself that I couldn't be recognised by anyone...they may have heard about me but never seen me as a human. I walked to the table set in the corner of the room. My eyes carefully pierced at the two glimmering, golden objects placed in front of me, I traced my fingers across the chain and held it up high to see its bright sparkle reflecting from the white light. The two golden roses, one was the chain and other one was simply just a rose....a beautiful one. I held back from wrapping them around my neck because I didn't want to destroy such beauty like these objects so instead I slipped it back on the table, it rested there with the gleaming sparkle still active even when my dark shadow blocked the light. I wanted to keep it safe with me, though my heart didn't agree to the part that I had stolen this from someone but I knew it needed protection and it couldn't be protected in that castle. Just when the castle ringed in my mind, my first thought was Erik. What would he do now? Would he be searching for me or else being happy because I left? The second one was impossible...I knew he needed me because without me he wouldn't be able to beat or dominate someone else. I forced my mind to shut that thought away...I wanted peace and I could only get it without thinking about erik or anything that had occurred in the past....I was bound to start fresh. My tongue ran on my upper lips and then slipped back in my mouth, I placed my hands over my hips, looking around to find something to get rid of this boredom...however I found nothing expect for the empty room staring back at to me. The four walls screamed at me but I didn't know what to do, everything in this room looked weird to me and I was sure that something was here...maybe not a human or an animal but something else...I could feel it..feel the warmth of it even when the room was chilling at 10 degrees. I spun around in circles, carefully examining every single corner but my dull eyes found nothing, as the throb in my head increased I slowed down, my vision blurred and my knees weakened. The air gripped me tightly, holding me up but I stomped on my own foot and before I could fall dead on the ground the door tossed open. My hands rested on the ground, nothing painful happened to me but I felt really weak, I was perfectly fine minutes ago and suddenly something weird went across my body. Sharp needles were punctured in my back, my lungs grasped the air, my body diffused a unusual smell of weakness, I turned around and laid straight on my back to feel better but only that much worse it got. "What are you doing on the floor?" Helen asked confusingly, her hands rested on her hips as she walked to me. Flicking her eyes up and down my body, and then raising her thin eyebrows. "I was...just doing some...mhm...exercises and I fell down." I stuttered. With the help of my elbows I tried to get up from the floor but it felt like I was almost paralysed....I couldn't feel any ounce of energy inside me, like someone just sucked all of the energy in, leaving my weak muscles sore. "Okay, get up and come to my room. We ordered some pizza and you can eat some since you haven't eaten for so long." she said, I backed up to the wall and closed my eyes. Trying again to get up but I failed miserably so instead I just nodded. "I'll ankle is hurting a little bit but I'll be there soon." I whispered. For a moment she looked concerning about my state but then she just shrugged before turning around and walking out of the room. My head spinned once again, my eyes repeatedly struck open and close. I closed my mouth and inhaled deeply from my nose, and exhaling from my mouth. Everything was deadly silent, only thing could be heard was my heavy breathing constantly giving out from my lungs which clenched tightly. A blinding golden light awoke from the brown wooden table, my wondering eyes quickly stormed to the roses. The golden light outshined the original white light fixed in this room. I gasped, crawling to the table and grabbing them both from my left hand as the other one held me up. I sat back down. Staring at the flaming hot rose that begin to burn my palms but I couldn't thrash it away because I was fascinated and the light itself was controlling me from the inside and the outside. I relaxed as my body was now allowed to move freely however I don't let go of the roses. They spark something inside my heart, it was wonderful, and I knew they were glowing because they wanted me to find something. As I got up from the ground, the illuminating light immediately dim down. In shock, I drop back down on my knees again and the golden light once again shone. I crept around the room to see where the light shone ought to be somewhere, I crawl across the room, under the bed, in the closet...everywhere but finally it glowed more at the corner where the table was set. A smile appeared on my lips as I hurried to the table. Pushing a piece of my tangled hair behind my ear, I got down on my knees and placed the objects on the floor, under the table. A loud howling gasp hitched from my dehydrated throat when another luminous golden light comes in my blurry vision however this time it wasn't exposed from the roses instead it was flashing from the wall underneath the brown table. My mouth hung open, the bitter taste of my saliva crawled down my throat when I gulped in excitement, my long fingers lingered around the dusty ground as I consciously glared at the round golden sparkle magically appearing from nowhere. In an excellent second the eerie spark burned a particular area of the wall into a small, perfect square. Crisp ashes begin to rise from the scorched, sharp corners, the spark vanished away into the thin air as the smoke came in contact with my clear skin. I let out a throaty breath when the gray ashes turned golden in time...leaving me purely surprised. Curling my fingers around the chain, I picked it up from the floor and resolved the puzzle piece back in the middle of the square. I glimpsed at the another sharp, strong golden light glowing in the middle, it was painful to watch so I tightly squinted my eyes shut until I couldn't see anything. A displeasing roaring thud echoed in the eerie silence, my heart skipped a beat as my eyes opened wide. The marked; square part of that wall had fall down on the floor as the chain laid beneath the weight. The golden light begin to faint away slowly, not even glancing at the box, I stretched my fingers out for the chain and pulled it away from the broken wall. Cupping it in my hands, I placed it next to me and then took my time to survey the broken wall. I lowered down to the mysterious hole, clutching one side of the table so I couldn't sink in. Waiting for the smoke to fade away, I tried to see what was behind it and when finally the smoke disappeared I was left shocked. My eyebrows furrowed, creating thin, deep lines on my forehead, my eyes enlarged as I stared at the mysterious dagger placed in front of me, right next to my eyes. Excitement pumped in my veins as I wrapped my fingers around the dagger, pulling it out from the hidden box. My eyes never moved away from it, studying every single design and texture carved on it. One writing shockingly surprised me more than everything. 'May the worst one die, once stabbed in its stone heart'
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