Ria is back Again!

1616 Words

Teresa paced in front of the Royal ward with Tara, Sally, and Icarius. After the king got stabbed by the shadows, he was moved and taken to the Royal Clinic. "You may want to sit down, "Tara pointed to an empty chair beside her. " you need to rest," she advised. "How can I seat when the King got stabbed because of me!" Teresa retorted. "This wasn't supposed to happen. It was supposed to be a normal festival but it ended up in a disaster!" Teresa threw her hands up and stared at the king through the transparent that separated her and the king. "He is hurt because of me, "Teresa sniffled and wiped a lone tear from her face. Tara stood up and placed a hand on her shoulder "none of this was your fault someone planned this. it was sorcery" Tara explained. " And it all happened because

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