The truth

2135 Words

Tara's eyes turned Silver, and she chanted in a foreign language. “Eposera kani meshika etoti ano reposera tashi anoti parasera no litia!” She shouted as a strong wind sent her flying a few meters away from Teresa. “Tara!” Sally rushed towards Tara and helped her up. “Are you okay?” She questioned. “Echanti” Tara muttered “ Echanti?” Sally questioned confused. “What's the hell is that?” Instead of replying, Tara walked towards Teresa and touched her shoulder. “A powerful witch placed a Spell on you but Echanti can't manifest without physical contact, meaning someone did something to you,” Tara explained. “Tell me, did anyone touch you with any substance? Like perfume ?” Teresa closed her eyes and when she opened her eyes, she gasped.”oh my goddess, I remember something now.” “Okay

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