The plan to get her out.

2399 Words

As they all walked out of the Royal court, Teresa and Keisha stood behind. "I know what you did Keisha," Teresa accused Keisha as she was about leaving the royal court. "What do you mean?" Keisha retorted and stopped walking. she folded her arms as she stood in front of Teresa. Teresa scoffed and folded her arms together. "You killed Anika, didn't you? You killed that poor girl just to push me out of the castle!"she yelled at her. "Don't you dare point fingers at me!" Keisha shouted. "I didn't kill anyone. Why would I kill her when I can get rid of you the simpler way." "You liar!"Teresa moved closer to her and pointed fingers at her. " You killed two omegas who knew nothing because you hate me." "Yes, I killed them. What will you do about it? No one is going to listen to you. You

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