
1451 Words

"I appreciate you all," Teresa smiled at the other royals as they were walked back into their cells by Simon. "We all did well and I am proud that none of you gave up. " Sally smiled at her and hugged her mate. "We all did a great job, especially Tara who put her life on the line to save everyone," Sally gave her thumbs up. Tara smiled at her and placed her head on Gideon's shoulder. "We all walked hard and none of this would have been possible without your help," she said. "We all did this!" "I just hope that Ria would change the King 's mind," Icarius said. "I doubt that he would do that," Teresa told him and pointed towards Simon who had not yet left their cell door. He paced around and whispered to himself as if he was saying something. "What is going on? I thought you've given

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