The truth about his past

1500 Words

"Simon!" The royals shouted as they were all surprised by him in the room where he was torturing Tristan. Gideon's brother. He had him on the chair with his hands tied together and he cut through his skin with a silver. "What the hell are you doing!" Gideon yelled as soon as he saw the condition his brother was in. "What have you done to him?" "How are you here!" Simon shouted and tried to move closer to the door but he was blocked by Gideon. "What do you think you are doing!" Simon shouted. "You are supposed to be guarding the prisoners and why is the luna Queen with you!" He shouted at them. "You are the royals ain't you and you used a spell to disguise right because the....." He pointed towards them and gasped. "I am going to raise my voice, then everyone in the Royal mansion includ

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