The moon goddess decides my destiny

2170 Words
"I, Teresa Anderson accept my right as the Luna Queen. I promise to be kind to my people and not turn a deaf ear to their cries. I promise to fight for the entire wolf's pack until my last breathe. I promised to support the Alpha king and perform my duty accordingly, so help me, goddess." The oath Teresa took resounded in her head as she took her seat on the right side beside the king. Teresa felt her heart raced as Kyaria fixed his gaze on hers. She bowed her head not able to meet his gaze. Teresa thought Kyaria was disappointed that she was chosen as the Queen but he was thinking about something else. Kyaria realized that the moon goddess was in favor of Teresa which makes her vulnerable to attacks and protecting was going to be hard especially since he hasn't marked her yet. "Erm... Your highness," Gal called his attention to a discussion about the New Queen and Concubine. "You were saying?" Kyaria Questioned. "The new Queen and Concubine should retire to their rooms according to the law until tomorrow. " "I know the Law Gal. You don't have to remind me." Kyaria retorted and stood up to address the wolves. "Listen up everyone, The Queen and the concubine will retire into their rooms. There will be an after party tomorrow morning to celebrate the Coronation. The royal beta and Gamma females will be in charge of the Queen and Concubine. Have a nice night." Kyaria gave Teresa a final look before walking out of the garden with his beta, gamma and his guards. "Your highness, " Sally came in front of Teresa with her head bowed. "I am happy you are crowned Queen." She smiled at Teresa who in returned smiled back. "Shall we?" Sally took Teresa's hand and walked out of the garden with Patricia, trailing behind them. "You know I don't like you Royal concubine. I'll like if you could follow me. " Tara beckoned for Keisha to follow her. "I don't like you too." Keisha retorted and stood up to follow Tara. Keisha grumbled all the way to the Concubine room. It's was on the left side of the Castle Where the Queen also resides but their rooms was Ten steps apart. "Welcome to your room, your royal concubine," Tara led Keisha into her new room but Keisha was unhappy to be in the room. If only Teresa wasn't in her way, she would have become Queen. If only she could get rid of Teresa then she wouldn't be referred to as a Royal concubine. These thoughts made Keisha balled her hands into a fists and She felt like screaming on top of her lungs. Her new room was beautiful as it was painted in pink and white. It was a room made for a concubine and Keisha hated the position. The floor was made of black marbles and a chandelier was hanged just above her bed. A white light brightens the entire room giving it a unique color. There was a dressing table with a mirror opposite the bed and ontop of the table were cosmetics and perfumes from different brands. The room was bigger than an average Alpha's room as it could contain two king sized bed. When Keisha checked her closet, it was filled with Pink dresses, lot of heels and Gold jewelries. "Rest now because the king won't visit you tonight. He'll be with the Queen," Tara clicked her tongue as she mocked keisha and quietly left the room. "The nerve of that stupid girl. Everything that happened was because of her stupid vision. How can I a respectable Alpha's daughter become a lowly concubine," Keisha bites her fingers as she paced around her room. "Should I prepare a warm bathe to make you feel better your grace," Her maid, Ashley questioned. "Do you know where the new Queen's room is?" "Why are you asking your grace?" "Why are you calling me your grace? I deserved to be called your highness not your grace!" Keisha flung her heels to the wall. She loosen her hair and threw down the hairclips in her hair. "Take me to her now!" She shouted. Ashley trembled and nodded in response. "Yeah, your grace..." Keisha glared at her and she quickly corrected herself. "I mean your highness." Ashley led Keisha into the Queen's room and just as they reached there, they saw sally walking out of Teresa's room. They both hid behind the walls and after making sure, Sally was out of sight, They both entered into Teresa's room. Teresa was just getting out of her dress when Keisha barged into her room. "What impudence!" Patricia shouted and stood in front of Teresa. "Out of my way peasant!" Keisha pushed Patricia to the ground. "Patricia!" Teresa shouted and tried to help her up but keisha slapped her hand away. "What the hell is your problem?" "You!" Keisha shouted. "This room should be mine not yours!" Keisha proclaimed. Teresa's eyes wandered around the room just like they did when Sally introduces her to the new room. "Your highness, this will be your new room." Sally had said to her and Teresa had admired each and every corner of the room. It was painted in red and blue just like the king's eyes but it's was lighter. The floor were made of white marbles flooring and a king sized bed with a beautiful red bed sheet and blue blanket was laid neatly and beautifully on the bed. Sally took her into her closet that was acessed through another door in the room. Her closet was like another room and everything in the Closet were glittering. "Everything her belongs to me?" Teresa had questioned sally who nodded in response. "Wow!" Teresa exclaimed from the the long line of beautiful blue dresses and heels to golden jelweries. "This is amazing!" "Yes, it is." Sally responded. "You deserve to be Queen." "Hey!" Keisha snapped her fingers in Teresa's view pulling her out of her thoughts. "I am talking to you." Keisha pushed her. Teresa stumbled and was close to falling but she stood her ground. "What the hell is your problem? What are you doing here again?" "This is supposed to be mine! How can your room be twice bigger than mine!" Keisha shouted. "You stole what should have belonged to me you pathetic Omega!" "Why are you so mad at me? I am the mate not you and I didn't chose my destiny, the moon goddess did!" "You fool," Keisha rushed towards Teresa and landed a slap on her face. "How dare you covet what is not yours?" "What you have done!" Particia shouted. "You just slapped the Queen." "I am okay Patricia," Teresa assured her and turned to face keisha. "I'll let your act of disrespect be treated as nothing because I just became queen. The next time you raised your hands on me again, I'll punish you with the Law." Teresa promised her. "Really?" Keisha burst into laughter and clapped her hands. "How dare you act like you were born of royalty. You used to be my slave! How did you change overnight?" "You must be angry that you didn't get your long time wish," Teresa scoffed. "You didn't deserve the position and I must say that I am happy that the moon goddess wasn't sleeping." "You are an omega! You don't have the power to become a Queen." "Talks about looking down on others. All my life, I have been serving under you, doing everything you asked of me and trying not to disrespect because I believed that you could change but over the years, you became worse!" "What are you saying? Is this a motivational talk? It's making my ears bleed," Keisha shouted. "Lower your voice when talking to me Royal concubine keisha," Teresa warned. "Don't call me that!" Keisha shouted at her. "That's what you are keisha. A royal concubine and as the luna Queen. I order you out of here now!" "Looking at you, all i see is a peasant who will soon become nothing." Keisha mocked and moved closer to Teresa. Bending down to where Teresa's ears were, she whispered. "It's won't be for long Teresa because I am going to make your life unbearable that you'll regret ever becoming Queen!" Keisha scoffed and walked away with Ashley trailing behind her. Patricia stood up from the ground and rushed to close the door. "Are you okay? Should I inform the king?" Teresa shook her head and smiled at Patticia. "There will be no need for that Patricia. Just help me get out of this dress while I await the king." "Are you sure your highness?" Patricia questioned. "Yes," Teresa nodded in response. "Help me get undressed." "Yeah, your highness." Teresa heaved a sigh and looked towards the door thinking of Keisha's threats. Teresa knew Keisha wasn't bluffing and when she said something, she always does it. Teresa knew her position had bought enemies to her and the only way to protect herself was to get closer to the King. He was the only one who could protect her from dangers in the palace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kyaria heaved a sigh as he made his way into Teresa's room. The door was supringsly not locked. He met Teresa laying on her bed with her eyes closed. Kyaria sat on her bed and placed a hand on Teresa's forehead. Teresa turned and whispered an inaudible words. "What are you even saying?" Kyaria was amused at her cuteness. He trailed his finger from her forehead down to her neck. "Y...our highness," Teresa gasped as she saw the king staring back at her. "I..." She rose up from her bed and quickly bowed for Kyaria. "Why did you wake up from your sleep?" "Yeah," Teresa scratched the back of her hair and visibly gulped. "I wasn't sleeping your highness." "You sure?" Kyaria questionsed and looked down at her pjamas that was missing a button revealing her cleavage. Teresa met his gaze on her open chest and quickly turned. "Huh, huh," She cleared her throat. "Bad throat." She chuckled. "Mmmmm," Kyaria stood up from the bed and stood behind Teresa He wrapped his hand around his waist causing her to opened her mouth wide in surprise. Kyaria inhaled her scents and turned her around to face him. "You finally have the crown," Kyaria teased and kissed her night. "I...." Teresa stuttered but Kyaria shut her up by placing a finger on her lips. "Don't say a word. Let's make our night memorable." "Your highness," Teresa called. "Yes," Kyaria's eyes met hers and they both stared at each other like they were all alone in the world. "What is it my Queen?" "I can't do this with you. According to the wolf law," Teresa didn't get to finished her sentence as Kyaria shut her up with a kiss. Kyaria's rough lips met with Teresa's soft ones. The kiss started slowly and passionately but it's soon change to a rough kiss. Kyaria carried Teresa in his arms and pinned her to the wall. He kissed her like his life depended on it and with every kiss, It's felt like Teresa was in her own heaven. That's what happened when mates share a kiss. They become lost in their own world. Kyaria was the first to pulled away from the kiss. He panted and stared at Teresa. "I'm sure you enjoyed the kiss as you were moaning with joy." He whispered into her ears. "Your highness.... I....." Teresa tried to say something but stopped when she realized that she had willingly kissed the king. "I am not sure we should be doing this your highness," She blurted out. Kyaria laughed and dropped her on the bed. "You are denying me my right?" He grabbed Teresa's hand and placed it on his Erected d**k. "This is what you do to me!" "Mates are supposed to mark themselves your highness before mating." Teresa jerked her hand free from Kyaria's "Is that what you want? I could mark you right now." "It should be done with love." Kyaria burst into laughter and suddenly frowned at Teresa. "Love? Here you go again with that love. I'll let this night pass. Be prepared my Queen. I'll be back tomorrow. " kyaria told her and walked out of her room leaving the door ajar. "Your highness," Teresa called after him but he was out of reach. Teresa sat on the bed and placed a hand on her lips. "If only I was mated to someone who will love me." Teresa hoped. That's night , Kyaria visited Keisha in her room. When Keisha saw the king, she was glad and thought she had succeeded in seducing the king. "Your highness." "Don't you dare try to touch me!" Kyaria warned as he tore her nighties and pushed her to the bed. With every thrust into Keisha, The only images that comes to his head were of Teresa.
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