Second attempt on Teresa's life

2259 Words

“How could that have happened under your watch!” Kyaria shouted at the two guards that were present when Teresawas shot with an arrow. “How could you have allowed your queen to be shot down by an arrow on your watch!” He raised his hand to strike the guards, but he dropped it and punched the nearest wall. Kyaria had been in his office when he got the news about his mate. He had rushed down to the royal Hospital and when he saw her laying down on the bed with her eyes closed and an arrow embedded in her chest. “Who did this?” Kyaria had asked. “We have no idea, your highness. The arrow came from nowhere, as if it were aimed at the queen.” Tara explained to him, but that's only angered Kyaria the more. Someone had hurt his mate right under his nose, but no one knew who could have done

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