Chapter 1

761 Words
“I can’t believe we’re finally done with high school” Mandy, Amy’s best friend said as they walked out of their school building. “Yeah. I was beginning to feel trapped” Amy replied, shivering at the thought of being trapped. “It was taking forever, but we finally made it… Think of all the hot guys we’ll get to meet in college” Amy rolled her eyes at her best friend’s comment. “Really, Mandy? Is that all you can think about?... I thought you and Jack are still a thing” “Do you seriously think what I and Jack have would outlast our years in college?... Geez Amy, you give us too much credit than we deserve.” “Well, I thought you two were… You know what? Forget it. What college did you apply for?” Amy decided to change the subject so as not to upset her best friend. “University of Pennsylvania. You?” “I’m not going this year” “What?! You were so anxious to finish high school and get into college” Mandy exclaimed in shock. “I changed my mind” Amy plainly replied. “There’s no way you can change your mind just like that. C’mon Amy, you were really excited about college. Spit it out, what’s holding you back?” Amy knew she wouldn’t get out of this one easily because Mandy would force the truth out of her, one way or another. “Okay, I’ll tell you. My dad and I aren’t yet on the same page on the course I’ll be studying… He wants me to take over the family business, but I want something less stressful” she explained, letting out a heavy sigh when she was done. “I may not really get how you feel, but I totally understand what you mean. My dad was the same way with my elder brother, Chase who wanted to study arts. He ended up getting a masters in business admin and now he barely sleeps a wink” “That’s bad” “Tell me about it… I’m just glad dad isn’t on my case since he already has Kyle and Chase to worry about” “Is Kyle married?” Amy blurted out without thinking, as she used to have a tiny crush on Mandy’s eldest brother. “No, he isn’t. He’s too busy making more money for dad. I don’t think, wait a minute… You still have a crush on him?” Mandy couldn’t hide the excitement in her voice. “Hell no. It was only a harmless question” Amy retorted when she realized what she had asked. She mentally face palmed while scolding herself for asking such question. “Oh my God!” Mandy suddenly exclaimed, stopping in her tracks. Here we go. I’m not going to hear the end of this. Amy thought to herself with an eye roll. “Now I get it. Why didn’t I think of that earlier?” What is she talking about? Amy wondered. “It’s him. He’s the reason you’re finding it difficult to go to college cos he won’t be there” “I already told you, Mandy. I don’t have a crush on Kyle, not anymore. I’ve gotten over him in like forever” Amy tried to defend herself. “No, not Kyle. I mean your present crush” Mandy emphasized. “Shut up, Mandy. I told you never to bring that up” Amy whisper yelled, dragging Mandy to the school parking lot. “But, I didn’t mention a name… You’re worried you won’t be seeing him anymore. Please tell me I’m right?” “Yeah. A little” “Oh no! Amy, with that much blush on your cheeks, I’m a 100% right” “Whatever” Amy dismissed the conversation as she tried to hide the blush on her cheeks with her hands. If only Mandy knew that he wasn’t just her crush but her only and true love. Just then, Mandy’s phone beeped. “It’s Jack. He wants us to meet” Mandy said to her best friend after reading the text she received. “That means no ice cream” Amy said with a pout. “I’m sorry, babe. I’ll make it up to you” “Whatever. I’ll just have ice cream without you. Say hello to Jack” “I will” Both friends said their goodbyes and climbed into their Porsche their parents got for them on their eighteenth birthday, heading their separate ways.
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