1996 Words

Chapter 5 After dinner, which was some of the best food Lareina had eaten in months, the girls disappeared into another room. Sarah walked over to the sink, pushed the faucet up, and let water surge into a large pot. It echoed with a metallic ring as if someone struck a bell. “Does your head feel any better?” “I can barely tell it even hurt.” She could still feel a dull ache behind her eyes, but the throbbing had subsided. “You were right. I guess I was just hungry.” Sarah carried the full pot over to the stove and hoisted it onto a burner, then returned to the sink and began to fill another one. “You just stay right there and rest. I can tell you aren’t completely well yet. I’ll have this water heated up for your bath in a little while.” “You don’t have to go through the extra work fo

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